

墨尔本大学奖学金 墨尔本大学奖学金申请条件 墨尔本大学奖学金种类


  Lorna Stirling Fund Scholarship

  Lorna Stirling was a Music Director in the Melbourne University Drama Club in the 1940s. On her death in 1956 she bequeathed funds to the University for the purpose of promoting international student relationships through the creation of scholarships for the exchange of students between the University of Melbourne and other universities (University Trust record UTR7.92).

  Lorna Stirling Fund Scholarships are available annually to currently enrolled students at the University of Melbourne.


  One-off payments of between $500 and $4000.

  Eligibility Criteria

  In order to be considered for a scholarship you must:

  · be enrolled at the University of Melbourne at the time of application and for the period of the proposed exchange or project;

  · have a signed letter of support from a relevant student organisation, such as the Student Union or a Faculty-based student society; and

  · demonstrate how your project is relevant to the interests of the student population at large and/or will enable mutual understanding to be established between students at the University of Melbourne and international universities.

  Successful recipients are required to forward a detailed report on the success and benefits of the project to the Lorna Stirling Fund Committee via the ...



澳洲留学奖学金 墨尔本大学奖学金 墨尔本大学艺术学院奖学金


  The Alma Hansen Scholarship


  16th Jan 2017


  13th Mar 2017

  Study level

  Graduate coursework, Graduate research

  Enrolment status

  Future student; Current student

  University Trust Record


  Study Area



  Alma Philippina Hands (formerly Hansen) late of Derby in England, who died on 29 July 1965 bequethed to the University, funds to support a postgraduate travelling scholarship. Mrs Hands studied Arts at the University where she won a number of scholarships and prizes including the Shakespeare Scholarship in 1911. In 1914, with the award of a government research scholarship in literature for the purpose of making an enquiry into the sources of some Shakespearean plays, and an Orient Steamship Company Scholarship for her study on Shakespeare’s London, she travelled to England and lived at Somerville College Oxford where she gained her MA in 1917.

  The Alma Hansen Scholarship will be awarded to assist with travel to pursue studies overseas.



  Several awards may be offered from this amount


  Open to graduates, who are currently enrolled or intend to enrol, in a postgraduate program at The University of Melbourne and who wish to pursue their s...

