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  Dispelling Myths

  Admissions officers answer lots of questions. It’s part of the job description. And many students ask us similar versions of the same questions. The blogosphere is filled with viral rumors about college admissions, about what “counts” and what doesn’t and why. These ideas fester in high school cafeterias and cyber spots like “College Confidential” and Facebook, among others, so we want to use this corner of the Internet to clear the air. In random order, here are some of the myths we hear every day:



  It's better to get a lower grade in a harder course than it is to get a higher grade in an easier course

  Well, yes and no. Part of our academic assessment of your application is a consideration of curricular rigor. We determine the availability of advanced coursework at your school (AP, IB, honors, etc.) and evaluate your transcript on a scale from “most demanding available” to “below average.” Your GPA is evaluated in that context, so yes, sometimes the "lower grade in the harder course" is "better" than the "higher grade in an easier course." But that doesn't mean that a transcript full of Cs in AP classes is better than str...

