一、申请信息Application Information
There is no typical New School student. The Julien J. Studley Graduate Program in International Affairs (GPIA) welcomes applicants from all walks of life, including working professionals in related fields, career changers, and recent college graduates. Applicants must hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university by the time of enrollment.
没有人一定是新学院的学生。Julien J. Studley国际事务研究生课程欢迎来自各行各业的申请者,包括相关领域的专业人士,职业转换者和最近的大学毕业生。申请人在注册时必须持有认可的学院或大学的学士学位。>>>2019年美国新学院各专业硕士申请条件汇总【完整版】
二、申请和财政援助截止日期Application and Financial Aid Deadlines
Fall-term priority deadline: January 15
Fall-term second deadline: May 5
Fall Term Nondegree: August 1
Spring-term deadline: October 15
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