

商业奖学金申请 美国商学院奖学金 亚洲奖学金种类


  Whether you’re a prospective or current business student, a budding entrepreneur or interested in studying any FAME subject (finance, accounting, management or economics), it’s likely that you’ll find at least one scholarship you’re eligible for below…

  To study in multiple locations:

  ESSEC Business School BBA Scholarships – Various scholarships for international students studying the Global BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) program at ESSEC Business School’s branch campuses in Singapore or France, including the Academic Excellence Scholarship.

  Jane M Klausman Women in Business Scholarship – Scholarships for women in business to gain funding for university. Open internationally for study in any ZONTA-club country.

  Prime Minister’s Business Scholarships – Business scholarships for New Zealand citizens active in the business industry to study internationally and improve their business skills.

  S P Jain School of Global Management Academic & Leadership Scholarships – Scholarships are available for both bachelor and master's programs at the business school's campuses in India, Singapore, Syd...

