(4)哥伦比亚大学所有的奖学金均为Need-based,申请截止日期为3月1日,申请奖学金不影响录取结果。哥伦比亚大学的整体一年费用在61116美元左右;2013年国际学生本科平均奖学金额度为$50,291,共有165人获奖。另,奖学金申请必需通过College Board申请,必需拥有SAT/ACT成绩
(6)除常规申请(RD)外,哥伦比亚大学还设有Single-Choice Early Decision(也即ED申请的一个变种)申请方式,截止日期为11月1日,预计12月15日出录取结果。常规申请预计4月1日出录取结果
普通申请表:The Common Application and the Columbia Writing Supplement, or the Columbia First-Year Application
申请费:$85 Application Fee or Fee Waiver
3封推荐信:One high school counselor’s recommendation and school profile;These recommendations must come from teachers who taught you in academic disciplines.*For engineering applicants, one must come from a math or science teacher
高中成绩单:School Report (includes Transcript and Counselor Recommendation)
标准考试成绩:Standardized test results, including either
SAT:SAT and two SAT Subject Test scores (for Engineering applicants, Math 1 or 2 and Biology, Physics or Chemistry)
ACT:the ACT Assessment with Writing
期中考试报告:Mid-Year Report (due when first semes...