留学群专题频道向海自然保护区栏目,提供与向海自然保护区相关的所有资讯,希望我们所做的能让您感到满意! 向海国家级自然保护区位于科尔沁草原中部,吉林省通榆县境。1981年由吉林省人民政府批准建立自然保护区,是以保护丹顶鹤等珍稀鸟类和蒙古黄榆等稀有植物为主要目的的内陆湿地水域生态系统类型自然保护区。面积105467公顷,以鹤类、白鹳和蒙古黄榆等为主要保护对象。保护区内地势平坦,湖沼密布,气候凉爽,苇草丛生,鱼类及水生生物资源丰富,为水禽的栖息繁殖提供了良好的场所和饵料。1992年,中国加入了《关于特别是作为水禽栖息地的国际重要湿地公约》后,向海自然保护区即被列入《国际重要湿地名录》,为中国七大国际重要湿地之一。国家邮政局曾于2005年7月30日发行《向海自然保护区》特种邮票一套四枚。


导游词 向海自然保护区景点导游词 导游证导游词



  1 Xianghai National Reserve, with a total area of 1,055 sqkm, is located in the Songliao Plain in Tungyu County in the western part of Jilin Province. It borders the Keerqin Plain of the Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region to the west. Within the reserve, the sand dunes wind and meander; the bright ripples spread; the yellow elms start dancing; the seas of reed and clusters of grass ripple in the breeze. It is the world-wide famous wetland ecosystem reserve. There are over 600 species of wild plants, 293 species of rare birds and 6 species of cranes, which are indicator species of the wetland and of great importance in protecting eco-environment. Now more than 60 of 1,500 rare red-crowned cranes in the world live and multiply here.

  2 Xianghai’s charm lies in “beauty in nature and value in primitive”.Xianghai possesses four honors: the first honor is National Forest and Wildlife approved by the State Council of People’s Republic of China; the second is Grade A Reserve examined and appraised by the World-wildlife Fund; the third is in the list of International Important Wetland; and the fourth is listed among the protection network of China approved by National Man and Biosphere Committee.

  3 There is a saying concerning Jilin’s provincial two key spots:...

