

雅思口语考试 口语考试真题 口语考试答案



  Part 1

  work or study

  TV program

  apartment window view

  relax reading

  do you like watching the sky at night

  environmental protection

  get up early


  Part 2

  describe a famous person you are interested in

  Leisure activity near the sea




  Part 3

  What kind people are famous in your country? What are the differences between the celebrities now and those in the past.

  Jobs related to sea. Effect of global warming on marine life in the sea













雅思口语考试 口语考试真题 口语考试答案




  Do you like flowers?

  Definitely yes. I think everyone likes flowers. They are picturesque and fragrant. When you hold a bunch of flowers in your hands, you just feel refreshed and relaxed.

  When was the last time you bought flowers for somebody?

  On mother’s day, I bought a bunch of carnation for my mom. I still remember how brightly my mother smiled.

  What kind of flowers do you know?

  I just know some common flowers like carnation and rose. My favorite flower is lily because it is quite fragrant.

  Are there any flowers that have special meanings in China?

  Yes of course. For example, lotus represents purity and loyalty. That’s why many famous poems use lotus to describe the noble spirit of people.

  Have you planted any flowers?

  Frankly speaking, I don’t have a green thumb. But I buy some flowers and place them in my dinning table so that my house has a great ambience.









雅思口语考试 口语考试真题 口语考试答案



  Special costumes

  Do you like to wear special costumes?

  We don’t have the tradition to dress special costumes. I only wear ordinary and decent clothes. But I do understand in western cultures, like Halloween, some children would dress up in a special way for candies.

  Did you try any special costumes when you were young?

  Not really, I never tried that. I envied those people in western movies who dressed up and did some cosplay at some parties, which was a lot of fun. Unfortunately, it never happened on me.

  When was your last time to try special costumes?

  As I mentioned before, I never try special costumes. I think these special costumes will put people off especially in Chinese culture. People may think you just want to show off.

  Do you ever buy special costumes?

  Never. I think these special costumes will put people off. I only wear ordinary and decent clothes like t-shirts, jeans and sneakers.








雅思口语考试 口语考试真题 口语考试答案




  Do Chinese people like barbecue?

  Yes,of course. Chinese people, especially college students, are crazy fans of barbecue. There are tons of barbecue stores in China where you can enjoy tender beef, fresh fish,crunchy vegetable and the list goes on.

  What kind of food do you like do eat for barbecue?

  I am obsessed with mushrooms and potato chips as they taste so yummy after being cooked on grill.

  Did you have barbecue when you were a child?

  Not really. My parents are not keen on grilled stuff. According to them, it’s too oily and salty. They just made some fresh food without so many seasonings when I was a child.

  Would you like to have barbecue with your family or your friends?

  Having barbecue is definitely a bonding activity for both families and friends. But I prefer to enjoy barbecue with my friends. My parents are not keen on grilled stuff. According to them, it’s too oily and salty.


  大家知道口语流程中part1难度不大,是warm up 热身。这部分会问大家can you tell me your full name? can you tell me where are you from?等简单介绍问题。这部分叫general introduction,只要不出意外和小瑕疵都没问题。这部分持续20-30秒。

  这部分结束后考官会说 in the first part, I’d like to ask you some questions, let’s talk about sth. Talk about 后面的单词可能就是...



托福口语考试真题 口语考试答案 托福口语考试介绍



  1. Your university is planning to film all large lecture classes and put them on the university website. Do you agree or disagree with this plan and why?

  2. 阅读:学校准备给环境科学专业的学生开设一个实习项目(offer summer environment practice)因为,学生做这个program可以获得benefits,获得学分;其次,还可以帮同学得到更多的实地调查经验,并且可以帮助一些环境保护机构完成他们的工作。听力:学生同意。首先,做这个program可以更好帮助他将来找工作apply for job;其次,原本这些环境保护机构里local organization都是志愿者,他们都是短期工作完就会离开,学生来的话就可以长时间帮忙了。

  3. versioning,企业提供不同价格之后的不同服务。

  听力:用music services举例说明:有average 和special的consumer,为他们提供不同的服务。pro musician高价格的套餐音质更好,低价的那个套餐更适合大众。

  4. 蚂蚁帮助植物种子传播的两种好处 ants how to help plants reproduce:首先,protect them from environment forces that may destroy them 传播的位置可以保护种子不受环境破坏的因素。因为蚂蚁会把种子带到地下,这些种子在地下可以有效的防御森林大伙;其次,provides more nutrients 种子可以获得更多营养。因为蚂蚁会把种子带到一些刚刚腐烂的树里面,这些树在腐烂的时候释放的nitrogen会提供给种子养分。


  Sample answer :

  As for me, I think is definitely a great idea for my university to put all the large lecture classes online and allow students and the general public to watch these videos whenever they want, because that's the point of spreading ideas and knowledge, and that's why we need universities in this I think, for students, the big benefit is that they can re-watch the lectures, which contains knowledge or points they didn't really under...



托福考试 考试真题 口语考试答案


  Task 1


  Your university decided to let students open their own Cafe. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this decision.






  From my perspective of view, students opening their own café on campus has both advantages and disadvantages.

  Firstly, it provides them a precious chance to start their own business. They can teach themselves how to advertise for the product, how to take food orders, how prepare coffee and snacks and everything about how to run the business, which will be very useful for their career after graduation.

  Secondly, it may take up too much time. Since the students should spare no effort and time to manage the café, they may have little time for their study and assignment, which has significant negative impact on their education.



  Task 2


  Some people think they should learn mathematics in school, while others think they should learn mathematics at work. Which do you prefer?









tofel口语 托福口语

  Task 1: What suggestions w ould you give to a friend who is starting a new job. Give examples and details in your response.


  I'd like to give my friend who's starting a new job the following suggestions. First, get familiar with people at the new place. I believe that the best way of getting use to a new work environment or cooperate culture is talking to, and learning from the people who work there as often as possible. They can give new comers lots of tips on what to look out for, and how they can advance in the company. Second, try to be productive. There are so many things one can do to stay productive. Including getting in the office on time, meeting deadlines and consulting with boss and coworkers when difficulty presents.

  Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that students should be allowed to carry their cellphones at all times. Give details and examples in your response.


  I strongly agree with the statement that students should be allowed to carry their cellphones all the time. First of all, people do everything nowadays on their cellphones. Take myself for example. All my class schedules are on my phone. Sometimes I take audio notes in a class that might be going to fast for me which help enormously. Also, when it comes to communication, cellphones are extremely important for us if not crucial. Especially in the case of an emergency. Students can call ...



雅思真题 雅思口语

  Part 1 题目基本属于常规题目,考到




  Healthy lifestyle

  School life

  Leisure activity

    Part 2 \Part 3

    Describe a cafe.(较新,值得关注)

    Part 3

  The difference between cafe and restaurant.

  Describe a website. (频率较高)

  Part 3

  The influence of the website.

  On-line shopping

  Describe an occasion that you were late

  You should say:

  ●When it happened

  ●What the situation was

  ●Why you were late

  And what you can learn from this experience.

  Describe a way to relax that you find effective.

  You should say:

  ●When you usually do this

  ●Where you usually do it

  ●Who is usually do it with you

  And explain why this is relaxing for you.

  Describe a team project/group activity you did.

  You should say:

  ●What the project is

  ● When and with whom you did it

  ● How you finished it

  And explain what you can learn from it.

  Describe your favorite meal/food

  You should say:

  ●What this meal is made of

  ●Where you have this meal

  ● How often you have this meal

  And why it’s your favorite meal

  Describe a math class you ever had before

  You should...



雅思口语 雅思
本文来自雅思口语网liuxuequn.com《雅思口语考试答案样板》。 寒假已过,老夫也略略地闲了几日,再掐指一算,也是该履行许诺之时了,故写出一定样板供雅思考生参考,但决不可不假思索就直接使用,否则后果自负。


May I have your name please?

Of course, you can call me Hope.

Would you please tell me your full name? How can I call you?

Well, my sur name is Lu, and my given name is Yiping, so together it’s Lu Yiping. But I guess it’ll be easier for you to address me by my English name, Hope.

Does your name have any special meaning?

As a matter of fact, I got this name from my grandfather who tragically died a few weeks before I was born. He gave this name to me just as a symbol of my birth date. I was born in February 1981. The first character of my given name Yi, which means ONE, represents the year of my birth; the second character stands for a very special February according to traditional Chinese calendar which is called PING, a second February that occurs every four years.

Let’s talk about what you do. Do you work or you are a student?

Unlike many other candicates who are probably unemployed, I actually have a job. I now work as an English teacher, and teach spoken English courses.

What is your majopr? Why did you choose to study this?

As you can probably guess, I majored in English at a normal school which was a little special for it was not a college.

Do you like your subject? (What is the most interesting thing about your major? What is the best part of your studies? What ...

