但是部分学生考完后还是反映有失手的情况,究其原因,很多人其实还是因为主题表述不准确。从图中可以清楚地总结出关键词——坚持,换成不放弃也没问题。英文表述很自然就能想到persistence,写成insistence也可以,要是想不起来这个词,也能用简单的keep going来表示。或者稍微转换一下,用never give up 也行,所以只要灵活一点,考场上表达正确应该问题不太大。
This picture apparently illustrated that……(人物+动作+环境). To be specific,……Right below the picture is a short sentence/ phrase which reads: "……”
The symbolic meaning of the picture is to show us due importance should be attached to……. We can easily recognize the significance of ……. On the one hand, …… is the only key to ……. Numerous examples can be given, but no one is better than the following illustration. In the process of preparing for the entrance exam for a postgraduate education, if I didnot / it was not..... when....., it would be impossible for me to get so well prepared and sit here, writing this essay with great confidence. ...
一年的努力终于告一段落了,留学群考研频道小编紧密关注2016考研真题及答案,并在考后第一时间为大家公布2016年考研英语一大作文范文,建议您收藏本网站 (ctrl+D收藏即可)。更多考研信息请关注我们网站的更新!
(When the issue of teaching and learning / education / role model arouses wide concern from the public, can we still stand there, hesitating for what occurs?) As we can see from the depiction, a father, sitting in front of a television which broadcasts some kinds of soap operas, is appreciating nuts and bolts of these invariable plots, without any caring about his kids. Actually, it is a Morning Call to send us a message that we adults always perform something wasting much of precious time, thus spoiling youth as every second elapses.
(But my own worry today is less that of the overwhelming problem of common housewives or househusbands than it is of the slightly more luxurious agony of the decline in time-managing ability even of the educated teenagers.) Several factors could weigh heavily for this degeneration, yet, suspended at the top of the list are the following two aspects. To begin with, habit is habit. We parents are good at giving ourselves sufficient excuses to support what we always do in our daily life. If one example is needed, I could not but mention the following well-known scientist, whose name is Freud, illuminating that a kind of habit, representing a sense of spiritual existence, can never be changed as long as continuing for 47 days, n...
熟悉历年真题的考生,对这个题目应该不会陌生。2009年,也考了一篇科技利弊型的文章,即“网络的近与远”。另外需要注意的是,在刚刚结束的2014大学英语六级考试中,作文这个题目也考了“合理使用科技”, 再次印证考研英语真题以及四/六级作文真题的重要性。
第三段,总结并建议。总结手机对人们而言,利弊共存,奉劝人们要合理使用手机,最大化手机的优点。尤其建议青年人过度使用手机的危害。以下附文都教育苗苗老师考研英语小课堂第184期中关于“合理使用手机”的句子(英文共100字), 供大家参考:
1. 这幅画的本质是显示一个严重的盛行的问题:过分依赖手机
The nature of this picture reveals a serious and prevailing issue: over-dependence on the mobile phone.
2. 在过去几十年,手机已成为公众关注的焦点并向我们提供了极大的便利。
It is universally acknowledged that the mobile phone has become the focus of the public and provided us with great convenience in the past decades.
3. 没有手机很难想象现代生活。
Without it, it would be difficult to imagine modern life.
4. 一方面,比以往的出现更智能和更强大的手机,如iPhone, 我们可以阅读新闻,玩游戏或者在QQ上和微信上交谈。On the one hand, with the emergence of ever smarter and more powerful cell phones, such as iPhone, we can read news, play games or talk on QQ and WeChat.
5. 但另一方面,过度依赖手机的习惯正在侵入我们的生活的每个角落。
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Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should
1) describe the drawing briefly,
2) explain its intended meaning, and then
3) give your comments.
You should write neatly on ANSHWER SHEET 2. (20 points)
按照这样的思路,“直观评价”句,我们可以采用“倒装+定语后置”的句式来撰写,例如,“Here is a picture, interesting but with thought-provoking implication”。
接着来看“整体描述”句,该句需要对图片中最引人注目的动作加以描述,例句: “As is vividly showed in the photo, a number of people are working busily within a huge and complex net, which successfully captures our eyes”。这个句子,句首和句尾分别是一个非限制性定语从句,主句部分则由“主语+系动词+表语”结构组成。
“细节描述”句,描述的是“能体现寓意的细节”。我们可以写成“After a close watch, it is not difficult to find that the big net is the Internet, through which many people could manage to work together with much convenience and high efficiency but they lack face-to-face communication”。
“过渡句”相对来说,简单一些,我们可以写成“Apparently, what the drawing has subtly conveyed is supposed to be given further analysis”。
Theoretically, the Internet presented by the drawing brings us both advantages and dis...
As we can see from the picture, a young mother was holding a little girl’s hand thirty years ago and now the girl is holding her mother’s arm. The girl and the mother always walk in step with each other. The author’s real purpose is not as simple as the picture itself, but to lead observers to find out what hides behind the iceberg.
When we were little children, we needed to rely on our parents. They give us our lives, give us support and all their love. They always provide us with all the things that they have. When we grow up, our parents become older. Then they need us to take care of them. However, as young people are quite busy with their working, they rarely have time to visit their parents, talk with them and accompany them, which leads many parents to become empty nesters. They live lonely and they long for a chat with their children to share happiness and sorrow in the life. In order to reduce the loneliness of our parents, we should go to visit our parents frequently and take care of them. Even if we are quite busy for a certain period, we should call our parents on a ...