留学群专题频道冠状动脉栏目,提供与冠状动脉相关的所有资讯,希望我们所做的能让您感到满意! 冠状动脉,心的形状如一倒置的、前后略扁的圆锥体,如将其视为头部,则位于头顶部、几乎环绕心脏一周的冠状动脉恰似一顶王冠,这就是其名称由来。冠状动脉是供给心脏血液的动脉,起于主动脉根部,分左右两支,行于心脏表面。采用Schlesinger等的分类原则,将冠状动脉的分布分为三型:右优势型;均衡型;左优势型。左右冠状动脉是升主动脉的第一对分支。左冠状动脉为一短干,发自左主动脉窦,经肺动脉起始部和左心耳之间,沿冠状沟向左前方行3-5mm后,立即分为前室间支和旋支。前室间支沿前室间沟下行。旋支绕过心尖切迹至心的膈面与右冠状动脉的后室间支相吻合。


旁路 冠状动脉 前缀

People who are taking aspirin regularly to thin their blood and are about to undergo coronary artery bypass surgery (冠状动脉旁路搭桥术) are usually to stop the aspirin a week before the operation – but they could be better off if they keep taking it.

Taking aspirin up to the day coronary artery bypass grafting (移植) is performed seems to speed lung function recovery afterwards, without increasing the risk of bleeding significantly, according to a report from Israel.

Release of a substance called thromboxane (血栓素) is associate with lung injury after heart bypass grafting, Dr Rabin Gerrah at Assuta Medical Center in Tel Aviv and his colleagues explained in the medical journal Chest. Aspirin is believed to inhibit release of thromboxane, so Gerrah’s group theorized that the administration of aspirin until the day of the surgery could improve outcomes.
They therefore followed 14 patients who took 100 milligrams of aspirin daily until the day of the surgery and 18 who stopped taking aspirin at least 7 days before the surgery.

Those who continued with their aspirin had significantly lower thromboxane in fluid around the heart, better oxygen levels in their blood and spent less time on a ventilator than the group who discontinued taking aspirin.
On the other hand, the need for blood transfusions was no different between the groups, indicating that bleeding complications were no worse with aspirin.

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