Write a letter to invite one of your friends to perform at the upcoming English contest in which you will be the organizer.
You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.
Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.
Do not write the address.(10points)
拿到一道题目, 重点要准确审题,这一点呢,老师一再地跟大家强调。要想做好题,要想写好作文,我们就必须要仔细审题,题目审清楚了,才能把文章写好。书信类作文审题有五大要点,大家应该都还记得吧,即:应用文类型(letter,书信类),书信类型(邀请信,invite 为标志词),收件人(your friend,在学习小作文的格式时,大家知道,friend是指你知道收信人与你的关系,可以直接称呼Dear Friend,大写和逗号一定不能忘),写作内容(邀请他来担任你主持的比赛的表演嘉宾),署名(Li Ming)。
Dear Friend,
I feel so honored to officially invite you to be a performer at the English competition that I will host. It will be held on October 1 at our university.
As is known to all that you are such a talented guy who can sing , dance, perform xiangsheng, etc. And you even won the first prize at the pop-dancing contest held in our university last year. You are also a ...