Benjamin Stassen took his own life in 2010. His parents thought their twenty-one year old son was happy. Since his suicide, they have attempted to learn why he killed himself.
Alice and Jay Stassen thought Benjamin’s Facebook account might hold clues to his suicide. But the account does not belong to them, nor did it belong to their son. Facebook owns everything in his account. That is what the company says in its user agreement.
Jay Stassen says he found it difficult even to communicate with Facebook.
A court ordered the company to let the Stassens see their son’s account. However , Facebook has yet to obey the order.
Lawyer John Boucher stays informed about digital rights and the law. But he admits that he and his wife have signed many user agreements without reading them. He says he would not know how to get information from his wife’s accounts if she dies.
JOHN BOUCHER: “I have no clue. So there is a dual problem here. One is people don’t think about it. And two, even if they did, they might find they are legally barred from doing it. I personally think what’s going to happen over time is there are going to be model laws drafted to deal with all these circumstances. But they’re going to take years to be accepted by the states, you know. There’s going to be a gray area for the foreseeable f...