

公共英语五级作文 公共英语作文 公共英语作文范文


  Recently there has been some heated discussion on the family relationship. The issue that families are currently not as intimate as they seem to be is a complex one, since it involves a conflict between traditional values of family unification and the modern ones . In my view, the final judgment will depend on a combination of two (three) essential aspects.

  At the first place, with the progress of a society, some people,the younger ones after the baby booms in particular, are more inclined to live in smaller family units. As a result, they will surely spend less time staying with their parents, thus creating certain isolation with their parents. At the second place, the change of production mode also offers a convincing interpretation of such social phenomenon. More often than not, young people, under the fierce social competition, tend to work longer hours. Under such conditions, it is not uncommon that they are deprived of any leisure moment, let alone sharing some time with their families. Gradually, the concept of a closed family fades from their consciousness. Finally, technical upsurge is also a major source of such a social observation, for if young people can resort to more effective means of communication such as telephones or E-mails, they will probably keep in touch with their families electronically rather than enjoying a di...

