【留学群】24日,U.S. News公布了2018年全球最佳大学排名。引领榜单的是美国的哈佛大学。下面是本次排名的前200所大学具体排名情况,供大家留学选校参考。
The fourth annual U.S. News Best Global Universities rankings were produced to provide insight into how universities compare globally. Since an increasing number of students plan to enroll in universities outside of their own country, the Best Global Universities rankings – which focus specifically on schools' academic research and reputation overall and not on their separate undergraduate or graduate programs – can help those applicants accurately compare institutions around the world. The Best Global Universities rankings also provide insight into how U.S. universities – which U.S. News has been ranking separately for more than 30 years – stand globally. All universities can benchmark themselves against schools in their own country and region, become more visible on the world stage and find top schools in other countries to consider collaborating with.
U.S. News 第四次公布了“全球最佳大学排名”。该排名的目的是为了让学生和家长可以对世界各国的大学进行比较,它强调的是大学的总体的学术研究和声誉,而不是大学在本科或研究生阶段的表现。因为越来越多的学生会选择到需国外读大学,因此这份全球最佳大学排名可以帮助申请国外大学的学生对世界各国的大学进行精准地比较。三十多年来,U.S. News 一直在对美国国内的大学进行排名。因此,这份全球最佳大学排名也可以看出美国大学在全球的位置。每一所大学都可以根据全球标准同所在国的其他大学对比,看清自己在世界舞台上的位置,进而考虑同其他国家的顶尖院校进行合作。
The overall Best Global Universities rankings encompass the top 1,250 institutions spread across 74 countries – up from the top 1,000 universities in 65 countries ranked l...