1、"The body achieves what the mind believes." - 心诚则灵,身体能完成心灵所信仰的。
2、An ideal man is a man of morality, health, and talent.
3、Do?not?,?for?one?repulse?,?give?up?the?purpose?that?you?resolved?to?effect?.? 不必只是因为一次不成功,就离开你原先决心想做到的目地。
5、?? If?winter?comes?,?can?spring?be?far?behind??? 冬天到了,春季还会继续远吗
6、to be a happy person, reading, running, working hard, caring about the body and keeping a good mood, become the best.
7、"Every workout counts." - 每一次锻炼都很重要。
8、the organ can not get exercise, as well as excessive stress of the organ is extremely harmful.
10、People who do not manage their own bodies are not qualified to manage others; they do not manage their own health, and how to manage his career.
12、She tried many methods to get fit, but they all failed。
13、"Fitness is not about being better than someone else, it’s about being better than you used to be." - 健身并不是要超过别人,而是要超越过去的自己。
14、"Your body can stand almost anything, it's your mind that you have to convince." - 你的身体能承受任何...