The UVM Undergraduate Admissions Visitor Center is located at: 184 South Prospect Street, Burlington, VT. Regular hours are Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.; our lobby is always open with materials available for all visitors. Find our Visitor Center on Google Maps.
We're easily accessible by water, air and land: UVM is 100 miles from Montreal, 220 miles from Boston, 290 miles from NYC, 145 miles from Albany, and only 3.5 miles from the Burlington International Airport. You can also reach us via Vermont Transit Bus lines, Megabus, Amtrak (to Essex Junction, Vermont, 15 minutes from UVM), or by ferry across Lake Champlain from New York. Please note that some ferry service is seasonal.
From I-89: Take Exit 14W into Burlington. Head west on Williston Road up hill (Williston Road becomes Main Street). At the intersection of Main and South Prospect streets, turn left. The Admissions Visitor Center is located one block south at 184 S. Prospect Street. It is a red building set back from the road on the left, with parking in the rear.
Heading north from Route 7: Follow Shelburne Road/Route 7 into Burlington. At rotary, bear right onto South Willard Street/Route 7. Travel less than 1 mile to intersection with Main Street (Route 2); turn right onto Main Street. Head uphill to Prospect Street; take right onto South Prospect Street. The Admissions...