新航道雅思学院院长马朝霞与英国文化委员会雅思高级培训师Allison ,中国雅思培训考官Evene,
雅思中国区运营副总监 James在首届雅思学术年会上
北京新航道学校副校长徐卡嘉及雅思学院院长马朝霞于4月21-22日应邀参加英国大使馆文化教育处首次在中国北京国际饭店举办的关于IELTS考试的学术年会。会上来自全球各国的雅思领域的代表,其中有英国大使馆文化教育处高级雅思培训师Alison Barrett,资深雅思考官Ivene ,雅思(中国区)市场运营副总监James等一大批雅思考试培训的专家学者与来自全国雅思培训机构的教学培训专家聚集一堂,共同探讨了雅思考试在中国发展过程的机遇与所面临的挑战.北京新航道学校副校长徐卡嘉及雅思学院院长马朝霞特别就考生关注的一些雅思备考问题与英国文化委员会雅思考试官方人员进行了广泛的交流有益的切磋,应广大考生的要求,新航道联袂留学群雅思频道(liuxuequn.com)第一时间披露本次首届雅思学术年会部分纪要(由于篇幅有限,只能登载相关采访问题);
Q.1From Ms Ma: There is such a rumor here in China about IELTS that there would be some changes in IELTS test in May, I am wondering whether that is true?
A.1 From James: Since it is a rumor, how can it be true.(laugh) If there is any change in IELTS test, it would be published at least 18 months in advance. So far I haven’t heard about any changes, at least not in this year.
Q.2. From Ms Ma:what is the biggest difference between IELTS trainers in China and IELTS trainers in foreign countries?
A.2 From Alison: Trainers in the foreign countries are more into helping IELTS learners with the general English ability, and learners there are like, more talkative, more opinionated. Whereas,trainers here , I realize, pay more attention to help students pass the IELTS strategies.
Q.3 From Ms Ma:Is the IELTS marking criteria operated the same in d...