

中央兰开夏大学奖学金 中央兰开夏大学奖 英国奖学金

  英国中央兰开夏大学(University of Central Lancashire)是一所著名的大学,学校建于1828年,主校区位于普莱斯顿市中心。学校与欧洲的大多数学院以及中国部分学校保持着非常友好的关系,此外还同一些美国学院有直接联系。学校每年提供许多和欧洲学生交换计划,非常适合留学生前去求学。那么中央兰开夏大学2017年有哪些奖学金可以申请呢?和留学群一起来看看吧。


  10 available

  China Ambassador Scholarships will be available to undergraduate or postgraduate taught students applying to UCLan from a SQA HND Centre or Study Abroad Centre in China or via a partner institution or official agent of UCLan. The awards are to the value of one third of the tuition fee payable for the first year of study. Students who receive this scholarship will not be entitled to any other scholarships, but are entitled to the early payment bursary.

  To be eligible for such a scholarship, students must meet the UCLan academic and English language entry criteria at the point of initial application.

  To apply for such an award, applicants must be nationals of, and resident in the PR China at the time of application. Students are required to write a letter of application covering the following points, in no more than 500 words:

  Three reasons why you would be a worthy recipient of such an award

  What has been your biggest challenge to date and how did you overcome this.

  Give an example of a situation where you have used your leadership skills to achieve a goal for a team.

  What ideas do you have for promoting UCLan if you receive the award


