东伦敦大学(University of East London)创办于1892年,是英国伦敦市内规模最大的一所大学。学校目前有三个校区、四个学院,开设有本科、研究生专业课程。东伦敦大学有留学生奖学金,目前可以申请的有公民参与奖学金、学术品质奖学金和工商管理硕士奖学金。下面请看留学群为大家整理并翻译的东伦敦大学奖学金介绍。
Civic Engagement Scholarship
The Civic Engagement Scholarship supports outstanding all-round students at the University of East London. The scholarships are open to all full time international fee paying students on undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes. UEL’s vision in founding the Scholarship is to develop leaders with a keen sense of public duty. The following scholarships are available under this scheme:
1. UG Civic Engagement Scholarship – £3,000 (first year entry point only)
2. PG Civic Engagement Scholarship – £2,500 (first year entry point only)
We use the following key criteria in selecting scholars:
1. Character and Leadership
2. Commitment to public service
3. Good Grades
4. Receiving a conditional or unconditional offer If you’re interested in applying, please fill out the online scholarship application form.
Remember: You must have filled out an application to study at UEL and have received a conditional or unconditional offer prior to applying for the scholarship (we will ask for your UEL application reference number – this is 7 digits long).
More important information: Please note that these schol...