



  Issue 部分:


  (本题为重复已有题,写作指令不变。)Some people believe that corporations have a responsibility to promote the well-being of the societies and environments in which they operate. Others believe that the only responsibility of corporations, provided they operate within the law, is to make as much money as possible.

  Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.


  Some people claim that the goal of politics should be the pursuit of an ideal. Others argue that the goal should be finding common ground and reaching reasonable consensus.

  Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.


  The best way to solve environmental problems caused by consumer-generated waste is for towns and cit...



GRE GRE作文 写好GRE作文issue部分




















  新GRE作文Issue写作对于论据的要求是非常高的,因此你的名人事例的储备,相关知识量的积累是非常重要的。这一环节也正是GRE考生最为头疼的一部分,举不出支持自己的观点的例子,因此让自己的文章显得只有苍白的论证,缺乏说服力。因此要多读历史,积累例子,尤其关注那些重要的哲学家、科学家、艺术家、政治领袖等人的生平事迹、主要贡献。例如Issue里的这样一道真题:“Truly profound thinkers and highly creative artists are always out of step with their time and their society。”(真正影响深远的思想家和具有高度创造力的艺术家总是与他们的时代和社会步伐不一致)。这个题目如果没有必备的那些思想家和艺术家的例子,文章必然缺乏说服力。因此读历史积累写作素材,具体说就是论据素材是拿高分的一个重要环节。






GRE作文 issue和argument成绩有哪些要求


  GRE issue和argument一般都多少分?要获得满意的写作分数,应保证Issue在4.0以上,Argument在5.0以上,这样总分才能在4.5以上。


  上述就是GRE issue和argument一般都多少分的问题解答,希望能够给大家一些积极地参考,更好地备考GRE考试。







  1. The arguer may be right about…, but he seems to neglect(fail) to mention (take into account) the fact that…

  2. Although many people believe that… , I doubt (wonder) whether the argument bears much analysis (close examination).

  3. It would be possible (natural/reasonable) to think (believe/take the view) that…, but it would be absurd (wrong) to claim (argue) that…

  4. A close (careful) inspection (examination/scrutiny) of this argument would reveal how flimsy (groundless/fallacious) it is.

  5. However just (logical/sound/valid) this argument maybe, it only skims the surface of the problem.


  1. From what has been discussed above (Taking into account all these factors/ Judging from all evidence offered), we may draw (reach/come to /arrive at) the conclusion that…

  2. It is high time that we place (lay/put) great (special/consideration) emphasis on the improvement (development/increase/promotion) of…

  3. There is no easy (immediate/effective) solution (approach/answer/remedy) to the problem of…,but ….might be useful (helpful/beneficial).

  4. Following these methods (suggestions) may not guarantee the success in (solution to)…, but the payoff will be worth the effort.

  5. For these reasons, I strongly recommend that…





gre作文 gre写作模板



  作文话题:The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones.

  The recommendation presents a view that I would agree is successful most of the time, but one that I cannot fully support due to the “all or nothing” impression it gives.

  Certainly as an educator I agree fully that the best way to elicit positive response from students is to make use of students’ positive energy and then encourage actions that you would like to see repeated. It is human nature that we all want to be accepted and achieve on some level, and when people in authority provide feedback that we have done something well, the drive to repeat the action that was praised is bound to be particularly strong.

  This blanket statement would obviously pay dividends in situations in which a teacher desires to have students repeat particular behaviors. For example, if an educator is attempting to teach students proper classroom etiquette, it would be appropriate to openly praise a student who raises his or her hand when wishing to speak or address the class. In such cases, the teacher may also help shape positive behaviors by ignoring a student who is trying to interject without approval from the teacher. In fact, the decision to ignore students who are exhibiting inappropriate behaviors of this type could work very well in ...



gre作文 gre作文模板



  一. 新GRE作文文章整体结构

  大负小正:诚然 A,但是 B,而且 C。


  大正小负:诚然 A,有时甚至 B,但是 C。


  二. 新GRE作文常用句式


  a) In this statement, the speaker asserts that…(作者的结论是什么)

  b) I agree with the speaker insofar as...(某种程度上同意作者的观点)

  c) Whereas, in my perspective, …is unilateral(作者的观点片面在什么地方)


  a) Admittedly,


  a) However,


  a) Furthermore,


  a) In summary, from what has been discussed above, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that…(重述观点)





gre写作范文 gre作文issue

  "Humanity has made little real progress over the past century or so. Technological innovations have taken place, but the overall condition of humanity is no better. War, violence and poverty are still with us. Technology cannot change the condition of humanity."

  Sample Essay

  The discussion of this statement turns on what is meant by "little real progress" from the first sentence, "the overall condition of humanity" in the second sentence, and "the condition of humanity" from the third sentence. To be sure, war, violence and poverty are still with us and we as mankind are probably more aware of these problems worldwide than ever before thanks to advances in technology and communication. But depending upon the definition of progress and the condition of humanity, this would appear to be an incorrect statement.

  First of all, the phrase "little real progress" from the first sentence must be defined. If the author defines progress as elimination of death, war, violence and poverty, then perhaps it could be stated that humankind has not made much improvement over the past one hundred years. People are still dying, wars are still being fought, violence is present almost everywhere and there are most likely people in every country in the world living in poverty. However, if the term "progress" is defined not as elimination of these problems but rather a reduction in them, then great progress has been made over the past century. Life ...



gre写作范文 gre作文issue

  13. "It is primarily through identification through social groups that we define ourselves."

  As primarily social animals, human beings naturally seek out different groups to which they feel they have a certain sense of belonging. But there are two different aspects of this issue involved: identifying oneself with a social group for its social implications and identifying oneself with a social group for internal needs. A person can have two different identities, one that involves an individual's self-perception and the way that others see that particular individual. There is a natural dichotomy between the two sides of one's personality that is usually displayed between the different types of social groups with which an individual may identify oneself.

  Self-definition can either be honest or dishonest. A person may join a social group because he or she thinks that the people that belong to this type of group are the same as he or she, whether it is true or not. The important detail to the individual is that he or she would like to be the same as the people that belong to this particular social group. As one example, consider a person who grew up poor and poorly educated, but became wealthy through the luck of the lottery or an inheritance from an unknown but wealthy relative. This individual then joins a wine-tasting club and buys season tickets to the local Philharmonic Orchestra and opera house. Although this individual knows nothing...



gre写作范文 gre作文issue

  12. "Some educational systems emphasize the development of student's capacity for reasoning and logical thinking, but students would benefit more from an education that also taught them to explore their own emotions."

  Sample Essay

  The ability of a student to think clearly using reasoning and logical thinking is of paramount importance in order to ensure his or her success as an individual after graduation from a university. To be able to look at a situation and use logic and reason to analyze the facts and develop an opinion or solution is to have a solid foundation for success in all aspects of life. Exploring one's emotions is important, but it is outside of the realm of what can be learned in a university classroom. Emotional self-exploration is best done outside of a classroom situation, although there may be some opportunity for students in the classroom to learn a methodology for doing so.

  The ability to survive and thrive in a society is based on the assumption that human beings act according to reason and logic. From a very early age, most people are taught that certain actions will bring about certain reactions, and that by using logic you can figure out what the response will be in most situations. Reasoning is also developed early on, although sometimes it is difficult to explain reasoning to a two-year old. Humans are probably born with a desire for reason and logic, as demonstrated by almost any child's incessant...

