
德国留学就业前景怎么样 UE与Weltenraum合作提供创业空间

德国留学就业前景 UE与Weltenraum合作

  UE与Weltenraum公司合作,为年轻创业者提供创新想法落地方案。下面就来看看德国留学就业前景怎么样 UE与Weltenraum合作提供创业空间。

  本周,Weltenraum 公司在伊瑟隆成立。UE 校友 Christoph Neumann 创立,是全新的联合创意空间,是为年轻创业者创业加速器。在工商管理项目协调员Dr. Ebbo Tücking博士指导下,UE 与 Weltenraum 公司合作,将为UE学生和年轻创业者开辟创新空间,促使他们的想法落地并得到实践,为年轻人开创一个成功的未来。

  Weltenraum 公司对所有的想法、人和愿景都持开放态度。在这里,在德国最成功的经济区域之一,充满创意,创新的氛围下,企业家知识、经验与年轻创业者精神相碰。



  This week the Weltenraum was inaugurated in Iserlohn. Founded by UE alumni Christoph Neumann, it is the new co-working space and start-up accelerator for young professionals. Under the direction of Professor Dr. Ebbo Tücking, program coordinator for Business Administration. UE maintains a cooperation with WELTENRAUM to open up spaces for students and young people to get their ideas off the ground and launch into a successful future.

  WELTENRAUM is open to all ideas, people and visions. Here, entrepreneurial knowledge and experience meet young entrepreneurial spirit in a creative and innovative atmosphere in one of Germany's most successful economic regions.




