Discover the fastest-rising stars of the higher education world founded less than 50 years ago, with the QS Top 50 Under 50 2018.First published in 2012, the QS Top 50 Under 50 celebrates the world’s leading young universities. It is published annually, based on the latest edition of the QS World University Rankings®, and since 2015 has doubled its range to include the Next 50 Under 50.
For the fourth year running, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore is the best young university in the world. This year, NTU also became the highest-ranked university in its country, overtaking the National University of Singapore for the first time ever. This year’s ranking includes universities from 25 different countries.
近日,QS世界大学排名发布最新参考榜单《2018 Top 50 Under 50》。这是全世界范围内建校时间不足50年的大学中最佳的50所大学,这个排名是2012年第一次出现在大家面前,为了向大家展示那些全世界范围内顶尖的年轻大学。这个排名每年都会发布,并且从2015年开始不断扩大这个排名,排名会参考最新版本的QS世界大学排名,评选指标:学术声誉(40%),雇主声誉(10%),师生比例(20%),论文引用(20%),国际员工比例(5%),国际学生比例(5%)。可以看得出,该榜单着重学校的学术水平和教育质量。
QS Top 50 Under 50 2018 |