
人教版高中英语必修3《Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note》教案

高二英语必修3教案 人教版高中英语教案

  人教版高中英语必修3《Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note》教案【一】



  Study aims and demands:

  1. To learn some words and exp ressions.

  2. To have a full understanding of the text.

  3. To have a discussion about the characters in the text.


  1. To learn some words and exp ressions.

  2. To have a full understanding of the text.

  3. To have a discussion about the characters in the text.


  Study aims and demands:

  1. To learn some words and exp ressions.

  2. To have a full understanding of the text.

  3. To have a discussion about the characters in the text.

  Step 3: Careful-reading

  1. Read the text and answer the following questions.

  ⑴ Where does Henry Adams come from? Does he know much about London?

  ⑵ What did he do in America?

  ⑶ Can you imagine what happened when Henry went to the American Embassy ?

  Give your reasons.

  2. Do three multiple choices

  (1). What happened to Mr. Adams before he landed in Britain?

  A. He just sailed out of the bay for a travel

  B. He planned to go to Britain by his own boat.

  C. His boat was broken by a strong w ind.

  D. His boat was carried out to sea by a strong wind.

  (2). What did Mr. Adams feel when he heard one of the brothers saying...



快乐 星期天 初中初一 750字
作文标题: £快乐的星期天
关 键 词: 快乐 星期天 初中初一 750字
字    数: 750字作文
本文适合: 初中初一
作文来源: https://zw.liuxuequn.com



快乐的星期天(一) 2009年04月05日 星期日 ————————————————————————————————————————£快乐的星期天 2009年 4月5日 星期天 晴 在春光明媚的早晨,我和爸爸一起去江滩散步,不过,哼哼!
随着轮滑快速地飞奔,阵阵风声从我的耳边掠过,我们来到了江滩,先向花鸟市场滑去,进了花鸟市场,放眼望去,只见人山人海,穿着溜冰鞋似乎在花市里放不开手脚,我只好告别那诱人的奇花异草、欢快的鸟儿、身着彩装的金鱼,还有那可爱的猫狗,赶紧掉头滑向“长江二桥”那边的溜冰场。来到溜冰场,我“快滑如飞”地冲上“高速坡”,又名“竹竿坡”,因为它比较高,大约有一个板凳那么高;还有“低速坡”,又名“冬瓜坡”,它只有“竹竿坡”的二分之一那么高,我在那里时而奋力地向上攀滑,时而身轻如燕的向下俯冲,别提有多爽、多酷,玩了好一会儿,便踏上了回家的路。在回家的路上, 我就看见离我大约有350多米的地方,有一个女孩也在滑冰,我心里想着:我一定要超过她。我弯下腰,双手有力地摆动着,向前冲啊,冲啊!
…… 我就像一道光,猛地往前直奔,最后我终于赶上了她,和她并排划着不分胜负,这时好胜的我吸足一口气,拚命朝前飞跃,哈哈,终于超过了她,并且把她甩得远远的了,最终我这个“老手''''''''胜利了。名师点评:这篇作文记叙的是小作者在星期日穿着溜冰鞋“"散步”的情景。小作者先滑到花鸟市场,因不能施展手脚,“赶紧掉头滑向‘长江二桥’那边的溜冰场”。在滑冰场,我“快滑如飞”地冲上“高速坡”和“低速坡”,“时而奋力地向上攀滑,时而身轻如燕的向下俯冲,别提有多爽、多酷”,在回家的路上,又和滑冰的女孩比拼,终于超过了她,并且把她甩得远远的了,最终我这个“老手”胜利了……从小作者风趣幽默的描述中,我们看到了小作者经历的快乐的“旅程”。(学乐中国特聘教师:罗丹娜老师)2009-4-7 6:58:00...

人教版必修3Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note精析考点

寒假作业 高考英语试题 高考英语模拟试题


  Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note



  1.novel 2.author 3.scene 4.wander

  5.fault 6.spot 7.passage 8.account 9.seek 10.amount 11.indeed 12.adventure adventurer adventurous 13.permit permission 14.patience patient 15.unbelievable believe believable


  1.bring up 2.go ahead 3.stare at 4.by accident 5.account for 6.on the contrary 7.冒险 8.衣衫褴褛 9.关于;至于 10.打赌 11.一大笔 12.坦率地说


  1.found myself carried out 2.I‟d just when 3.whenever


  1.that 2.if 3.what what 4.that



  1.1)scene 2)on the scene 3)The last scene 4)a good view 5)scenery 6)sights

  2.1)was not permitted to 2)permit smoking 3)apply for a permit 4)weather permitting

  5)without Mr.Smith‟s permission

  6)permitted of

  3.1)spot 2)spots 3)is spotted with stars 4)spotted him 5)a lot of spots 6)on the spot

  4.1)an account of 2)account 3)account for 4)account 5)take into account 6)accounts for

  7)On no account

  5.1)has no patience with 2)lose my patience 3)run out of my patience completely

  4)be more patient with 5)with patience

  6.1)stare 2)watch 3)noticed 4)glared


  1.1)bring up 2)bring up 3)brought up


2014驻马店中考英语词语辨析:dollar/ pound


  留学群中考频道在考试后及时公布各科中考试题答案和中考作文及试卷专家点评, 请广大考生家长关注。时光飞逝,暑假过去了,新学期开始了,不管情愿与否,无论准备与否,我们已走进初三,走近我们的梦!祝愿决战2014中考的新初三学员能加倍努力,在2014年中考中也能取得优异的成绩。

  dollar/ pound

  Ⅰ. dollar “美元”其货币符号为:$ 如:

  ①$12.5 = 12.5 dollars 12美元5美分。

  Ⅱ. pound “英磅”,英国货币单位。符号为:£。如:

  ②£12.5 = 12.5pounds. 12英磅5便士。

  [注]人民币为yuan, 符号为:¥。










小学五年级作文550字:If I had 1 billion pound

小学五年级 550字
作文标题: If I had 1 billion pound
关 键 词: 小学五年级 550字
字 数: 550字作文
本文适合: 小学五年级
作文来源: https://Zw.liuxuequn.com


本作文是关于小学五年级550字的作文,题目为:《If I had 1 billion pound》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。

欢迎阅读《作文:If I had 1 billion pound》,“作文网”每日为您更新更多优秀的“初一作文”,请随时关注!
  I want to have 1 billion pound, so that I could be very rich. I could buy many things. I could help poor people become rich and happy. I could do a lot of things while I want to. My life would be rich and colorful. If I really had 1 billion pound, I would make my dreams come true.  来自:作文大全First, I would buy a villa to stay and a helicopter as my traffic appliance. I also would employ some servants to help me to do housework. I am greedy. 来源:作文网 m.zw.liuxuequn.com   Then I want to help poor people become rich and help sick people recover quickly. I would donate money to Project Hope.     Never too old to learn. So next, I would pay a lot of money for studying. I will also study hard.    Sit idle and eat, every thing will be used up. When I had plenty of knowledge, I would do some business. I think my life would be wonderful and rich.    But I know now I haven’t got 1 billion pound. It is still too difficult for me to own it. If I want to have 1 billion pound, I must study harder and harder. I should master a good skill, suc...
