
备考新GRE issue写作解析6

 综合广大GRE考生的需求,考试规划师为大家整理出以下GRE Issue主题范文及评析,希望能给广大GRE考生在写作上带来帮助!

  In todays society we spend to much time addressing issues that will not prepare us for the trials and tributlations facing our young people.

  For example, there is a war on drugs that is effecting every family in america, without any consideration for race, gender, or enthic background. This country needs to develop a systerm on how to deal with this ongoing problem effecting americans. There are certain issues that constantly take center stage in america; for example race relations has return to the horrible days of the fifiths. There is know doubt that we are facing troubling times, and we are not paying attention to what is going on. We need to get back to our value systerm, family, work, church, and responsibility and emphasis to our children the importancy of education and respect of others. If we provide a healthy model we can help curve the violence and mayheam the that is destroying our schools, cities and states.

  Finally, if we are proud of being americans, less take this problem and do something about it by diversity training and multi- cultural activities.



  This essay provides little evidence of a coherent response to the topic and contains severe and persistent errors in language and sentence structure.

  The essay seems to define "environment" broadly, though vaguely, as the "cultural environment." While the idea that enviro...


备考新GRE issue写作解析5

综合广大GRE考生的需求,考试规划师为大家整理出以下GRE Issue主题范文及评析,希望能给广大GRE考生在写作上带来帮助!

  Cooperation---or Tragedy?

  The solution to the world’s growing environmental problems may have to wait awhile. It has been said that "environmental problems are global and respect no nation’s boundaries." Unfortunately, pollution and its consequences still fall to large measure on those least likely to do anything about it: poor countries willing to sacrifice anything in order to sit at the table with the world’s wealthy.

  As far as the industrialized nations of the world are concerned, the world is a big place. Environmental destruction taking place outside their borders may sometimes be fodder for government pronouncements of concern, but few concrete actions. Deforestation of the Amazon, for instance, is of vital concern to all those who wish to continue breathing. But the only effective deterrent to this activity, the restriction of international aid money to those countries showing net deforestation, has been stalled in the United Nations by those unwilling to "interfere" in the internal politics of other nations.

  Because of the differential impact of polluting activities around the world, and even in different regions of a single country, many governments will undoubtedly continue to promulgate only modest environmental regulations. Costs to polluting companies will continue to carry as much weight as the benefit of a pollution-free environment. Particular...


备考新GRE issue写作解析3

 综合广大GRE考生的需求,考试规划师为大家整理出以下GRE Issue主题范文及评析,希望能给广大GRE考生在写作上带来帮助!

  Our declining environment may bring the people of the world together as no politician, philosopher, or war ever could. Environmental issues are a growing concern in our country today. It is an issue that concerns every person, no one is excluded.

  Facing and solving environmental issues calls for unity and cooperation. Prejudices should be put aside in this time of need. Without unity our world as we know it will not exist in twenty-five years. People as a whole need to take action. Without unity and cooperation little will be accomplished.

  There are many environmental issues we are facing today. For example, recycling is a simple and effective way to help the environment. If everyone did a small part the results would be enormous. Recycling is a good example because it is something every single person is capable of doing.

  There are many ways people of any age, race, or sex can contribute to help the environment. Emissions testing for exhausts on automobiles is one way to help keep unnecessary pollutants from contaminating the air. Very few cities require emissions testing for automobiles. Columbus, for example, does not require emissions testing. My small hometown of Amherst, Ohio does require this test.

  I believe the government needs to implement stricter regulations regarding environmental issues and also increase the funding that is allotted for it. Mandatory recy...


备考新GRE issue写作解析2

 综合广大GRE考生的需求,考试规划师为大家整理出以下GRE Issue主题范文及评析,希望能给广大GRE考生在写作上带来帮助!

  Working together for each other and the environment,Our Environment, if we take care of it, it will take care of us. CFCs destroying the ozone layer, hundreds of acres of the rain forest being destroyed daily, smog-infested air to breathe, global warming, world population increasing at an exponential rate, these are but a few of the things that we need to not only think about, but find ways to deal with them. We are not given this world by our ancestors we are borrowing it from our children and our children’s children. We spend so much time trying to fix other countries problems, when we should be incorporating them in working toward solving the environmental issues. If we do not this huge, living planet will eventually become a lifeless hunk of rock floating in the large universe.

  There are many ways that we can begin to work on these problems. First decrease the amount of CFC production and usage. Second save the rain forests, which are being cut down to make farmland that is not properly maintained. In a few years this farmland becomes infertile and more land is needed; thus more of the rain forest is destroyed. Educating farmers on different crops that will replentish the soil and keep it fertile. Third develop alterative methods of power other than fossil fuels, such as more hydro-electric,solar,and wind generated. The increasing population is going to require more food production as w...


备考新GRE issue写作解析1

考试 变化 调整 谈一谈
前面我们已经了解过新gre issue写作考试的基本变化,接下来要谈一谈如何应对的问题。新gre issue写作考试不仅在时间上做了调整,考试中也取消了二选一,这就要求考生在备考新gre issue写作考试时,要更加深入和全面的研习题库,又增加了instructions而你要做的是依据具体的要求进行写作。突破issue写作部分的相关介绍:

  (1) 时间调整。在老GRE考试中,ISSUE为45分钟,ARGUMENT为30分钟。写作时间一直是困扰广大考生的一个巨大问题。笔者有很多学生,他们具有不错的英文写作能力,并且也能正确地破题展开文章,但最后他们却输在了时间上,很多人在规定时间内只能写完全文的三分之二。而此次改革,ISSUE部分将从原来的45分钟缩短为30分钟,ARGUMENT仍为30分钟不变。这对于那些写作速度提不起来的同学无疑是雪上加霜。所以,笔者建议准备参加新GRE考试的广大考生从你练习第一篇作文开始就严格控制时间,并且最好使用“模考软件”练习,这样可以让你尽早习惯真实考试时的感觉。




  — Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.


