

GRE考试 GRE预测试题 2014年4月26日GRE数学预测

  在4月26日的GRE考试来领之际,留学群为您提供考试预测试卷,希望对您有帮助,下文《4月26日GRE数学预测试卷及答案》由出国留学 网GRE频道为您提供,预祝您取得好成绩, 欢迎您访问出国留 学网浏览更多资讯。

  1. A,B,C,D,E,F排在1,2,3,4,5,6六个位置上,问A不在1, B不在2, C不在3的情况下,共有多少种排法?

  (A) 720

  (B) 450

  (C) 180

  (D) 216

  (E) 320

  2. 一直线L过点A(5,0), B(0,2), 坐标原点为O, 点P(X,Y)为三角形OAB中一点, 问:Y

  (A) 1/4

  (B) 3/8

  (C) 1/2

  (D) 5/8

  (E) 3/4

  3. In an insurance company, each policy has a paper record and an electric record. For those policies having incorrect paper record, 60% also having incorrect electric record; For policies having incorrect electric record, 75% also having incorrect paper record. 3% of all policies have both incorrect paper and incorrect electric records. If we randomly pick out one policy,what’s the probability that the one having both correct paper and correct electric records?

  (A) 0.80

  (B) 0.94

  (C) 0.75

  (D) 0.88

  (E) 0.92

  4. If Bob can do a job in 20 days and Jane can do the job in 30 days, they work together to do this job and in this period, Bob stop work for 2.5 days and Jane stop work for x days, and the job be finished for 14 days, what is x?

  (A) 1.6

  (B) 3.2

  (C) 1.5

  (D) 1.25

  (E) 1.15

  5. The probability of A is 60% and the probability of B is 50%, what is the most possible probability that neither A nor B would happen?

