Girls and sex——Two steps forward, one back
For girls, growing up is a perilous journey
FOR tips on taking a selfie, talk to teenage girls.Many know that your “good” side is the one without your parting, and that it is slimming topose with a hand on hip and legs “bevelled” (one straight, the other bent). Not quite pleasedwith the results? Simply download one of many “selfie surgery apps” to edit blemishes, whitenteeth and shrink noses.
Adolescents have always been keenly aware of how they are seen by their peers. But socialmedia amplify this self-consciousness. Now that nearly three-quarters of American teens haveaccess to a smartphone, many of them while away their days broadcasting their thoughts,photos and lapses in judgment for immediate praise or scorn from hundreds of “friends”.Being a teenager was never easy, but this is the first time your charm, looks or popularityhave been so readily quantifiable, and your mistakes so easy for others to see. Just how thistechnological revolution affects young people—and particularly young...