
GRE双语阅读:Politicians and religion

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GRE双语阅读:Politicians and religion

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  Politicians and religion——Doing God


  David Cameron's frank Christian talk is more astute than the reaction to it suggests

  卡梅伦坦率的复活节讲话与其说是对民众的反应有所企图, 不如说是诡计多端

  FEW Britons have well-defined religious beliefs, but many have tastes in matters of religion. As with tea, they don't like it too cold or too hot. They seem to want the established religion to be present somewhere in the background, with its village churches, Christmas carols and Remembrance Day services, and they would hate it to vanish altogether; but they would squirm if anyone asked them to accept Jesus as their personal saviour.


  It is that sentiment that David Cameron and other senior Tories seemed to be invoking when they marked the Easter season with some firmly (but not too firmly) Christian messages. Having declared at an Easter reception that he was “proud of the fact that we are a Christian country”, the prime minister took to the Church Times, an Anglican weekly, to spell out what he did not mean. He described himself as a “rather classic” member of the Church o...



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  How the one-child policy changed Chinese nuptials


  OVERSIZE cupids in pink, furry outfits hand out heart-shaped balloons with “I Do” written on them (in English) at a wedding-themed trade fair in Beijing. Vendors offer romantic photo-shoots of couples under water or at a racetrack, personalized wedding cigarettes, and biscuits with names such as “Date & Fate”. An emphasis on love is a new addition to Chinese weddings—and shines a pink-filtered spotlight on social change.

  在北京的主题婚礼展上,粉色的超大丘比特身穿毛茸茸的衣服,手持心形气球,气球上写着“I Do”(“我愿意”的英文)。婚礼代理商们向新人们提供浪漫的水下或赛道婚纱照拍摄,个性化的婚礼香烟,以及刻字饼干,如“Date & Fate(巧遇)”饼干。把重点放在爱情上是中式婚礼上的一个新现象,闪耀的粉红滤光灯下聚焦的是社会的变革。

  For centuries, marriage in China was about ensuring heirs for the groom's family. Ceremonies centered on the groom's kin: couples kowtowed to the man's parents but the woman's relatives were absent. Unusually, both the groom's and the bride's family exchanged money or goods. The more money changed hands, the more opulent the wedding.


  After it came to power in 1949, the Communist Party imposed frugality. Dowries consisted of necessities like bed linen or a bicycle; guests brought their own food coupons. But since the 1980s the extravagance of nuptials has matched the country's rise. Celebrations moved out of homes ...



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  Can a Muslim woman be denied a job because of her headscarf?


  SAMANTHA ELAUF, a young Muslim woman, did well in her interview for a job at a children's branch of Abercrombie & Fitch, a casual-clothing store, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. But when the interviewer told a manager about Ms Elauf's black headscarf, she was instructed to lower the applicant's “appearance” score and deny her the job. According to the company's “look policy”, employees must align their dress with the “preppy look of the Ivy League” and must not wear “caps” or black clothing. In fact Abercrombie is best-known for the half-naked (but preppy) hunks that adorn its shopping bags.

  萨曼莎·埃劳夫是一名穆斯林少女,曾在Abercrombie & Fitch休闲服装公司(位于奥克拉何马州吐桑市)的童装分公司面试中表现不错。然而,当面试者和经理谈起埃劳夫小姐的黑色头巾时,埃劳夫小姐的“形象分”便大打折扣,而且她的求职也被拒绝了。根据该公司的“外貌政策(look policy)”,雇员着装要求必须符合“常青藤学院派风格”,不能戴“帽子”,不能穿黑色衣服。事实上,A&F公司却是因印刷在购物袋上半裸(但具学院风)的大块头而闻名于世。

  Ms Elauf turned to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), which sued the store on her behalf. A federal district court in Oklahoma ruled that in refusing to hire Ms Elauf because of her religious practice, Abercrombie had violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. On appeal, the Tenth Circuit Court held for the company. If Ms Elauf wanted a religious accommodation, the appeals court said, she should have asked for it.



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  Grocery shopping——Aisle be damned


  For the best bargains, avoid shopping around for your groceries


  THRIFTY shoppers do not have to look far to find a bargain. Offers abound in the cut-throat world of British supermarkets. Received wisdom suggests that people trying to save money on their groceries should shop around to get the best prices. But research presented on April 9that the Royal Economic Society suggests that those who do so end up paying more.


  Kun Tian, a researcher at Cardiff Business School, and Ji Yan of Durham University, the paper's authors, argue that people who buy all their groceries at just one of the big supermarkets(Tesco, Sainsbury's, Asda and Morrisons) pay less than those who purchase equivalent goods at a mixture of the four of them. Data from Kantar World panel, a market-research firm, show similar trends. Unlike Mr. Tian's study, these cover total purchases rather than comparing equivalent baskets of goods. They show that people who bought groceries in just one store during the 12 weeks to September 2013 spent 631. Those who went to...


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  Food politics in America——Popped


  Soda Politics: Taking on Big Soda (and Winning). By Marion Nestle.


  MARION NESTLE'S heavyweight polemic against Coca—Cola and PepsiCo comes at an odd moment for the industry. Americans are drinking fewer sugary sodas—in 2012 production was23% below what it had been a decade earlier. Even sales of diet drinks are losing their fizz, as consumers question the merits of artificial sweeteners. From one angle, it would seem that health advocates such as Ms Nestle have won. Yet in America companies still produce 30gallons of regular (not diet) fizzy drinks per person per year. In many countries, particularly developing ones, consumption is on the rise.


  Ms Nestle, a professor at New York University, is both heartened by recent progress and dissatisfied with it. That is no surprise. Her first book, “Food Politics” (2002), remains a bible for those who bewail the power of food companies. In her new book she attacks the indust...

GRE精选双语阅读:Criminal justice in Japan

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GRE精选双语阅读:Criminal justice in Japan

  留学群的GRE栏目小编为您带来“GRE精选双语阅读:Criminal justice in Japan”,希望对大家备考GRE有所帮助。更多GRE相关内容请关注我们网站!

  Criminal justice in Japan——Forced to confess


  Suspects in Japanese police cells are far too vulnerable to abuse



  ON THE face of it Japan's system of criminal justice looks as if it gets a lot right. Crime rates are lower in Japan than almost anywhere else—the murder rate is less than a tenth of America's. Those arrested for minor wrongdoing are treated with exceptional leniency. Less than one in 20 Japanese deemed to have committed a penal offence go to prison, compared with one in three of those arrested in America, where the average jail term is much longer. In Japan the emphasis is on rehabilitation, especially of young offenders. The rates of recidivism are admirably low, partly because the state is adept at involving families in reforming those who stray.


  Yet the state's benign paternalism has a dark side. The chief reason the system looks good is that Japan is a remarkably safe society. And where once police worked closely with...


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  Long-waited epic The Great Wall has finally hit screens in China. The action adventure was helmed by superstar Chinese director Zhang Yimou, backed by Chinese-owned Hollywood studio Legendary, with a cast featuring Chinese A-listers as well as Matt Damon, making it the most expensive film ever made in China.


  It won’t be remembered as Zhang’s best film, but the director’s artistic touch is on display in his long panoramic sweeps and artful use of color. Simultaneously futuristic and historic, the visual spectacle carries the film, while Zhang manages to include plenty of promised “Chinese elements”.


  By its end, The Great Wall leaves you with the feeling that it must be a metaphor – after all, the Taotie were, according to legend, brought down by their own greed – but hazy about what exactly the moral is. Is it a warning over rampant Chinese consumerism? A caution against marauding foreigners and invading foreign values? A reminder about the power of collectivism over individualism? Or is it really just a old romp between goodies and baddies?


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  A zoo in eastern China’s Shandong province has admitted to keeping a wounded husky dog in a populated wolf den, arguing that the dog was “respected” by the wolves, though it was initially introduced to “create more fun” for tourists.


  Dezhou Zoo received public criticism when a tourist uploaded a video clip of the dog on Sina Weibo on Nov. 7. In the video, the crippled canine, resembling a Siberian husky or Alaskan malamute, could be seen with a number of wolves.


  The tourist wrote in an accompanying post that the animal’s leg had been bitten, which is what caused its wound. The post soon attracted many eyes, and has received 8,000 reposts as of press time.


  More than a dozen wolves live in the den, and the dog appeared to be living peacefully among the wolves. According to a zookeeper, the animal is a husky-wolf hybrid. It could be considered either a dog or a wolf but experts’ appraisal would still be needed, local news portal Iqilu.com reported.


  A zoo manager surnamed Xia told the ne...
