Euro crisis——The end of the euro’s Indian summer
After a few sunny weeks, a political and economicstorm is battering the euro zone once again
THE sugar-rush brought on by the European Central Bank’s pledge to intervene in bondmarkets to help troubled euro-zone countries—some diplomats call it “Mario Draghi’s ice cream”—was bound to fade at some point. But nobody expected it to fade quite so suddenly thisweek.
欧洲中央银行承诺干预债券市场用来帮助欧元区国家摆脱困境,这些“短暂的春天”被一些外交官称为“马里奥.德拉吉(Mario Draghi)的冰淇淋”,在某种程度上注定会失效的。但没有人预料到它在本周消退得如突然。
Anti-austerity protests in Spain and GREece, uncertainty over their bail-out terms, theresurgence of Catalan secessionism, the likely departure of Mario Monti as Italy’s primeminister next year, obstacles to creating a credible banking union (see Charlemagne) and adarkening economic outlook all combined to dispel hope that the euro zone was out of thewoods. Spanish and Italian bond yields shot back up and European stockmarkets fell.
西班牙和希腊的对紧缩的抗议活动,他们获得救助条件的不确定性,加泰罗尼亚分离主义的复苏,可能离任的马意大利总理Mario Monti(马里奥·蒙蒂),以及建立一个安全可靠银行联盟(见Charlemagne专栏)的诸多障碍和经济前景的暗淡无光,所有这些不利因素都预示着欧元区走出困境的希望越来越渺茫。西班牙和意大利两国债券收益虽有所回升,但欧洲股市整体却已跌入谷底。
The summer&rsquo...