1. prompt a. 迅速的 , 敏捷的 v. 推动 , 提示 词频:1 [prɔmpt]
近义词:rapid / fast / fly / forward / ready;facilitate / boost / further;cue / noting;punctually
权威例句:With prompt and proper responses, the IRS might agree little or no tax is due.(FORBES: Tax Liens and Newt Gingrich)
2. scathing a. 严厉的 , 尖刻的 词频:1 ['skeiðiŋ]
近义词:severe / tight / hard / harsh / rigorous;hurting
权威例句:Mr. Krim is scathing in his assessment of the state of mobile development today.(WSJ: Design Freedom Eludes Mobile Web)
3. acrimonious a. 严厉的 , 辛辣的 , 刻薄的 词频:1 [ˌækri'məunjəs]
近义词:severe / tight / hard / harsh / acid
权威例句:The prolonged and often acrimonious discussions over Barry's move are still developing on Wednesday. (CNN: Goalkeeper Cavalieri on way to Liverpool)
4. rigorous a. 严密的 , 严格的 , 严峻的 词频:1 ['rigərəs]
近义词:strict / rigid / precise / severe / tight
权威例句:Knowing where, when, and how to move will require rigorous market analysis with accurate data.(FORBES: Unlocking China's Consumer Power)
5. rocky a. 岩石的 , 多岩石的 , 障碍重重的 词频:1 ['rɔki]
近义词:petrous / lithological
权威例句:Converted tries from Rocky Elsom and Quade Cooper gave the Wallabies a well-deserved 14-0 lead at half-time.(BBC: Australia 27-17 England)
6. generic a. 一般的 , 普通的 , 种属的 词频:1 [dӡi'nerik]
近义词:common / p...