

GRE填空练习题 GRE填空练习 GRE填空


  1、Although Ms. Brown found some of her duties to be , her supervision of forty workers was a considerable responsibility.

  (A) Ambiguous

  (B) Provisional

  (C) Menial

  (D) Humble

  (E) Unique

  (F) Mediocre

  Answer: C D

  2、Although it is unusual to denounce museum-goers for not painting, it is quite common, even for those, who are unenthusiastic about sports, to criticize for athletic .

  (A) Athletes

  (B) Spectators

  (C) Scholars

  (D) Snobbery

  (E) Inactivity

  (F) Ignorance

  Answer: B E

  3、 Although Darwinism was a profoundly world view, it was essentially passive, since it prescribed no steps to be taken, no victories over nature to be celebrated, no program of triumphs of be successively gained.

  (A) Limited

  (B) Repressive

  (C) Debatable

  (D) Innovative

  (E) Paradoxical

  Answer: D

  4、Individual freedom of thought should be more absolutely than individual freedom of action, given that the latter, though also desirable, must be the limits imposed by the rights and freedom of others.

  (A) Exercised

  (B) Protected

  (C) Curtailed

  (D) Conscious of

  (E) Superior to

  (F) Subject to

  Answer: B F

  5、Our new tools of systems analysis, power...

