四大动机理论I: 本能理论
Instinct is behavior that is inherited rather than learned. Instinct is an inborn tendency/ biological force that dominates behavior. Instincts are universal in expression and universal in a species. Instinct is viewed as in-built with regards to a baby’s attachment to its parents or caregivers. The reason for this development is that babies stay close to their parents because they are provided with protection.
Human instincts are more flexible and more open to learning experiences than those of other species. Just like the imprinting of baby geese, so do human babies attach to his/her parents after many hours of interaction. An example of instinctual behavior is that all ants build anthills in the same way, even when they are not raised together, then the anthill building behavior is instinctual and not a learned response. Sex in humans is also instinctual. We are not born with the desire to engage in sexual activities, but as we reach puberty, there is a need for sexual stimulation. Even though we might not know what to do, it is instinctual. But, instincts only describe behavior; they do not explain why a person engages in behavior.
四大动机理论II: 生物社会学理论
Sociobiology is the study of the biological basis for the s...