

gre考试 gre数学



gre考试 gre数学


  2.图表题,1992年总和是50,96年是60,每年至少增长1 7

  3.How many positive whole numbers less than 81 are NOT equal to squares of whole numbles? 72。

  4.含有2,3,4,7,9这五个数的不同五位数的总数 要满足奇数不相邻。 (12) P(3 3)*P(2 2)=12

  5.J给某人打电话,每次拨号遇到BUSY LINE的概率为1/3,问连拨J四次电话不会遇到BUSY LINE的概率与另一个数的比较。 :(1-1/3)^4 (要看一下概率,未解答)

  6.两个长方形,A的周长比B大,问两者的面积比较。 (d) a=10+19, b=14+14.5;

  7.n个数从小到大排列,求(n-1)/4,设商为i,余数为j ,则可求得1st Quartile为:(第i+1个数)*(4-j)/4+(第i+2个数)*j/4



  10. n个数从小到大排列,求(n-1)/4,设商为i,余数为j,则可求得1st Quartile为:(第i+1个数)*(4-j)/4+(第i+2个数)*j/4



gre考试 gre数学

  1.n是integer, n^2+n被2除,余数与0比较,答案相等,因为n^2+n=n(n+1),必为偶数



  3 1/11+1/12+1/13+1/14+1/15>1/3

  4.某种溶液浓度为125gram per liter, 转换成 ounce per gallon,求表达式

  已知 1 ounce=28.xxx gram and 1 gallon=3.875 liter

  5.(x-3)/(x-1)=0,比较x与1(没说x≠1) 大于


  7.(图表)体重超过225的人当中血脂超过300的人占体重超过225的人的percentage? 4/9=44% :在所有被检测人中任意抽查一个人,血脂和体重都超过200的概率?

  8.图题,横坐标是胆固醇量,纵坐标是体重, q1有问体重小与170,胆固醇高于20的比例, q2 体重大于190或胆固醇小于19的比例,注意相加后减去共有的。 89.另一道是统计题,列了一个表,说的是城市里养狗的情况,0只的有多少家,1只的多少,。。。,养了5只以上的多少,求城市里平均每家养狗数。这里要注意加权平均的时候,养了五只以上的(设有10家),那就按每家养5只来加权。然后算出来的记得是1.7左右,但 答案里只有1.5与2,我就选了2。






  10.有一道图表题,有一个饼图,一个表。1992--1996年的什么东西是:1992年到1996年间年增长最大能是多少。因在 1992--1996年间共增长了10,有个限制条件是每年最少增长**,根据此限制条件,可得(maybe) 60。就是除了最大的,其余全按最少算。




gre考试 gre数学

  1.两个investor, x和y, 他们第一年的投资总数相同,第二年的时候把第一年赚到的interest加到第一年的本上作为第二年的本,以次类推,问:x第一年赚10%,第二年赚6%,y第一年赚6%,第二年赚10%,那他们两年各自赚的总数谁多。(C)


  3.x+y+z)^3=-27, 问x,y,z的算术平均值(arithmetic mean)与-2谁大。(A)

  4.一个图,有一个圆⊙O,另外一个正方形PORS,其中P,R都在圆上,且对角线PR等于5倍更号2 ,问劣弧PR等于多少。(5π/2)



  7.已知一个数列,第一个数是2^1,第n个数是2^n, 当n=m时,总和是62,问m和5谁大。(C)

  8.已知x<0, 则[(-x)(-x)]/(-x)等于下面的哪个表达式。(|x|)





gre考试 gre数学

  1.The percent increase from the least monthly car sales shown to thesales in July 1993 was most nearly equal to

  A.20% B.35% C.45% D.55% E.65%

  2. For which symptom are the ratings closest to the arithmetic meanfor that symptom, as measured by the standard deviation of its ratings?

  A.H B.L C.P D.T E.V


  A. x+(w-10)y+10

  B. x+(w-10)+y

  C. 10x+10(w-y)


  E. 10x+w y

  4. The jewels in a certain tiara consist of diamonds, rubies, andemeralds. If the ratio of diamonds to rubies is 5/6 and the ratio of rubiesto emeralds is 8/3, what is the least number of jewels that could be in the tiara?

  A.16 B.22C.40D.53E.67

  5.Column A: The area of the triangular region.

  Column B: The area of the circular region.

  answer: D

  6.If 3 cars have traveled a total of 180,000 miles and thedistance traveled by each car differs by at least 1 mile from the distancetraveled by either of the other 2 cars, what is the minimumpossible number of mile traveled by the car with most mileage?

  A.60,001 B.60,002 C.61,000 D.91,000 E.180,000

  7. According to the graph, which of thefollowing statements must be true?

  (1). For each of the years 1986 through 1990, the numberof cat licenses issued was greater than that of the previous year.

  (2). In Town x more households had dogs in 1986 than in 1985.

  (3). Fo...



gre考试 gre数学

  1. If one number is chosen at random from the first 1,000 positiveintegers, what is the probability that the number chosen is a multiple ofboth 2 and 8?

  A.1/125 B.1/8 C.1/2 D.9/16 E.5/8

  2.Of the commuters to City P,1/2 of those whodrive alone are going to change their means of travel while the rest of thecommuters to City P will continue to use the same means of travel. If 1/2 ofthose who are going to change join a car/van pool, what will then bethe percent of commuters to City P who travel by car/van pool?

  A. 9.5% B. 5.9% C.35.2% D.31.9% E.28.3%

  3. If the total number of commuters to County W is twice the number toCounty Z, and if the average number of vehicles that transport commutersdaily to County W is 30,000, what is the approximate average number of vehicles that transportcommuters daily to County Z?

  A.12,000 B.15,000 C.18,000 D.27,000 E.36,000

  .For which of the countries was the difference between its savingsrate and its real GNP growth rate least?

  A. Japan B. Canada C. Switzerland D. The United States E. The United Kingdom

  5. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the graph?

  (1).On the average, people in the United States saved about the same amount of money aspeople in the United Kingdom.

  (2).The median of the savings rates for the eight countries was greaterthan 11 percent.

  (3).Only two of the countries had a higher savings r...



gre考试 gre数学

  1.[x]represents the greatest integer less than or equal to x and [x] represents theleast integer greater than or equal to x.

  Column A:{[1.+[1.4]}/

  Column B: 1.4

  2. If the actual temperature is 13 degrees Fahrenheit and the windspeed is 14 miles per hour, then the apparent temperature could be

  A.5 degrees Fahrenheit B.-1 degrees Fahrenheit C.-0 degreesFahrenheit

  D.-5 degrees Fahrenheit E.-3 degreesFahrenheit

  3. Which of the following can be inferred from the table?

  (1).The apparent temperature for an actual temperature of 0 degreesFahrenheit and a wind speed of 15 miles per hour is the same as that for anactual temperature of 30 degrees Fahrenheit and a wind speed of 40 miles perhour.

  ().At a constant wind speed, as the actualtemperature increases, the difference between the actual and the apparent temperaturesalso increases.

  (3).At a constant actual temperature of -10 degreesFahrenheit, the apparent temperature decreases at a constant rate as the windspeed increases.

  A.(1)only B.()only C.(1)and(3)only D.()and(3)only E.(1)()and(3)

  4. From 198 to 1987 the price of a Brand x candy bar increased byapproximately what percent?

  A.40% B.50% C.70% D.150% E.50%

  5. How many times between 1971 and 1991 did the price of a Brand xcandy bar increase while the weight decreased?

  A. one B. two C. three D. four E. five




gre考试 gre数学

  1. A certain money market account that had a balance of $48,000 duringall of last month earned $360 in interest for the month. At whatsimple annual interest rate did the account earn interest last month?

  A. 7% B.7.5% C.8% D.8.5% E.9%

  2. Column A:The two-digit integer that equals twice the sum of its digits

  Column B: 16

  3. The number of households receiving monthly benefits in 1960 wasapproximately what fraction of the number receiving monthly benefits in 1975?

  A. 9/10 B.5/6 C.16/27 D.11/32 E.8/35

  4. When the even integer n is divided by 7, theremainder is 3.

  Column A: The remainder when n is divided by 14

  Column B : 10

  answer: C

  5. Approximately how many more 10-year-old childrenwere there in 1980 than in 1986?

  A. 100,000 B.200,000 C.300,000 D. 400,000 E.1,000,000

  6. The population of females was greater in 1980 than in 1986 forapproximately what percent of the ages from 0 to 100 years?

  A. 15% B.25% C.55% D.75% E.85%

  7. In 1980 the ratio of the number of males to the number of femaleswas greatest for which of the following ages?

  A. 10 B. 30 C.50 D.70 E.90



gre考试 gre书写

 1.Sixty-eight people are sitting in 20 cars and each car contains at most 4people. What is the maximum possible number of cars that could containexactly 1 of the 68 people?

  A.2 B.3 C.4 D.8 E.12

  2.if n is any prime number greater than 2, which ofthe following cannot be a prime number?

  A.n-4 B.n-3 C.n-1 D.n+2 E.n+5

  3.In 1988 Mr. Smith’s annual income was greater than Mrs. Smith’s annualincome. In 1989 Mr. Smith’s annual income decreased by p percent, whereas Mrs. Smith’


  Column A: Mr. and Mrs. Smith’s combined annual income in 1988

  Column B: Mr. and Mrs. Smith’s combined annual income in 1989

  4.How many integers between 101 and 201 are equal to the square ofsome integer?

  A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five E. Six

  5. The price of a certain stock was 12*1/2 dollars per share.

  The price increased x percent to 15*5/8 dollars per share.

  Column A: x

  Column B: 20

  6. The “reflection” of a positive integer is obtained by reversing its digits. For example, 321 is thereflection of 123. The difference between a five-digit integer andits reflection must be divisible by which of the following?

  A.2 B.4 C.5 D.6 E.9

  7. Column A: 1/(1-0.03)

  Column B: 1.03

  8.The original value of machine X is V dollars, while theoriginal value of machine Y is 2V dollars. Both machine...



gre数学 gre词汇


  倒数(reciprocal) x的倒数为1/x


  2^5=the fifth power of 2

  abscissa 横坐标

  ordinate 纵坐标

  quadrant 象限

  coordinate 坐标

  slope 斜率

  intercede 截距(有正负之分)

  solution (方程的)解

  arithmetic progression 等差数列(等差级数)

  an=an+(n-1)d s=1/2(a1+an)

  common divisor 公约数

  common factor 公因子

  least common multiple 最小公倍数

  composite numbe 合数

  prime factor 质因子

  prime number 质数

  factor 因数

  consecutive integer 连续的整数

  set 集合

  sequence 数列

  tenths’ digit 十分位

  tenth 十分位

  units’ digit 个位

  whole number 整数

