From: [email protected]
Date: 25:7:1-16:06:29
Subject: REMINDER!!!
Appreciate if you would consider and bear in mind that I am no longer responsible for dealing with petty cash. Some of your staff keep bringing their vouchers to me, but this responsibility has been taken over by Martin in Accounts, he is the one who should be contacted henceforth for all petty cash matters.
Your cooperation is appreciated in making sure all your staffs know about this.
Subject: REMINDER[a1] !!!
Appreciate [a2] if you would consider and bear in mind[a3] that I am no longer responsible[a4] for dealing withpetty[a5] cash. Some ofyour staff[a6] keep bringing their vouchers to me, but this responsibility has been taken over by Martin in Accounts, [a7] he is the one who should be contacted henceforth [a8] for all petty cash matters.
Your [a9] cooperation is appreciated in making sure all your staffs [a10] know about this.
BRgs[a11] /Sally
[a2]措辞唐突生硬,有种趾高气扬的嚣张气焰...这篇信函是ask for cooperation,所以语气更应诚恳和气。同时应该加上明确的主语。
[a3]虽然用的是would,但其实与“你必须记住!”无异。 [a4]这里也比较无礼。