下面来自留学群英语频道整理的BBC News:谷歌向印度总统莫迪致歉,欢迎阅读。
BBC news with Marian Marshall.
The Afghan army says at least 10 members of the Taliban have been beheaded by rival militants from the Islamic State group in the east of the country. The beheadings followed weeks of fierce fightings between the two groups. Marker Bell reports from Kabul.
"The revelations emerged in a secret memo from the Afghan army’s 201st call mistakenly sent to the media on Wednesday. The document says that the Taliban attack on government-held area in the remote action district close to the border with Pakistan was repelled by the army. Then ten fleeing insurgents were captured by Islamist State militants and beheaded. These are the first known beheadings of Taliban members by Islamic Stat...