2018中考结束了,以下是小编为大家收集整理的《2018商丘中考英语作文题目:What I like about where I live》,希望能对大家有所帮助!更多精彩内容敬请关注留学群中考栏目!
2018商丘中考英语作文题目:What I like about where I live
2018中考结束了,以下是小编为大家收集整理的《2018商丘中考英语作文题目:What I like about where I live》,希望能对大家有所帮助!更多精彩内容敬请关注留学群中考栏目!
2018商丘中考英语作文题目:What I like about where I live
留学群为您精心准备了《2018漯河中考英语作文题目:What I like about where I live》,希望可以帮到您,更多中考资讯信息请关注本站哟!
2018漯河中考英语作文题目:What I like about where I live
开启中考成功之门,钥匙有三。其一:勤奋的精神;其二:科学的方法;其三:良好的心态。留学群中考栏目为您整理《2018开封中考英语作文题目:What I like about where I live》,希望能帮您。 2018开封中考英语作文题目:What I like about where I live
2018年中考已经结束,你是否在这场重要的考试中发挥出了最好的自己,表现出了最优秀的一面,充分发挥了自己的潜力呢?留学群中考栏目为您提供《2018濮阳中考英语作文题目:What I like about where I live》。如果您想要找的真题及答案没有显示,可按Ctrl+F5进行刷新。
2018濮阳中考英语作文题目:What I like about where I live
中考是人生当中第一次重要的考试,留学群中考栏目为您整理《2018焦作中考英语作文题目:What I like about where I live》,供您参考。如果您想要找的真题及答案没有显示,可按Ctrl+F5 进行刷新。
2018焦作中考英语作文题目:What I like about where I live
一年一度的中考已经完美落下帷幕,这一段美妙的人生经历也从此画上句号,我们即将开始新的旅程,结识新的伙伴。那么在刚刚过去的中考中你表现的怎么样呢?留学群中考栏目为您提供《2018新乡中考英语作文题目:What I like about where I live》,希望帮助到您!
2018新乡中考英语作文题目:What I like about where I live
中考的魅力在于努力的奋斗,在于你用汗水浇灌了自己的前途,在于你战斗每分每秒。留学群中考网考后为您首发《2018河南中考英语作文题目:What I like about where I live》,希望给您带来帮助。
2018河南中考英语作文题目:What I like about where I live
留学群中考网为大家提供中考英语作文:About me,更多中考作文请关注我们网站的更新!
中考英语作文:About me
My name is Michael. I will tell you a story about myself. I graduated from China University of Mining and technology in 2006. I was hired by Founder Software Co., as a Net engineer in the previous 11 months.
I significantly benefit from these knowledge on Visual Studio 2005, Microsoft SQL Server 2000 etc learned in school. I am working in VaconCN now as an IT website engineer. I think I can do this job very well, at the same time; it’s a challenge to me. I can learn more new knowlege. I like to play badminton. I play it Xinghai Coliseum Every weekend.
It’s very interesting. I also like go to KTV with my friends, I like Ben john. I think his best song is “it is my life”. When I headed it, this song concert blew me away.
2017中考英语作文预测:How Do You Get on with Your Classmates?
2017中考英语作文预测:Don't Waste Water
2017中考英语作文预测: An Unforgotten Summer Holiday
备考雅思的朋友看过来,“雅思写作精选范文:Talk about your views on science and technology”由留学群雅思考试栏目为您提供,童鞋们要坚持每日练习哦!
Task:Some people think that technology makes life complex, so we should make our life simpler without using the technology. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1. 科技发展的好坏讨论,包括:(1)机器广泛使用的优缺点;(2)科技进步影响生活是好是坏?(3)科技发展是否带来了消极的影响?(4)机器人对人类的未来很重要还是一个危险的发明?
2. 太空旅行,包括:(1)航空旅行是否只会惠及最有钱的人?(2)太空旅行是好是坏?
3. 现代通讯发展的利弊讨论,包括:(1)人们每天都能使用手机是否对个人和社会有消极影响?(2)人们受益于现代通讯技术还是完全没有收益?
4. 科技综合类,包括:(1)科技与环境:应选择低科技的生活还是利用科技来解决环境问题?(2)科技与艺术:艺术能给我们什么科技所不能给的?
留学群雅思栏目诚心为各位整理的“2017年雅思口语part3口语话题回顾:About a popular swimming place”,希望能够帮助到各位考生。
1,Do you think everyone should learn to swim?
Of course, I think it's very important. Firstly, you spend much of your life on holiday by water, for example, when you go to the beach on holiday, so you won't be able to enjoy yourself with your friends if you can't swim. Also, for safety reasons it's very important. You often hear about sad accidents involving young children so it's very important.
2。Are there many places to swim near you?
Yes, there are few public swimming pool in our city. One of them is very close to my house. There is also a big indoor sports complex in our city, wherein there are two or more swimming pools. Also, some outdoor swimming pools available, but one can use them only in summers as they are very cold in the winters.
3.What do you think are the benefits of swimming (or, the benefits of knowing how to swim)?
So, knowing how to swim is important, especially for children if they live near water – it could literally save their life if they fell into a river or something like that.
As for benefits, well, it’s great exercise, full cardiovascular benefits for your heart and it’s also low-impact exercise so people of any age can do it without risk of damaging their joints. And of course, it’s a great way to have fun at the beach with friends – or as we do – at the ...