

考研英语关联词运用 考研英语关联词实用例句 2021考研英语关联词例句




  as has been noted (mentioned, stated), at last, finally, in a word, all in all,in brief, in conclusion, in short, in sum, in summary, to conclude, to sum up,to summarize

  a) An Inhibition as mentioned above, is rarely used.

  b) At last,wewereabletoaffordahouse.

  c) We finally found a decent apartment close to campus.

  d) Pop, in a word,isfascinationversusmeaning.

  e) It was, all in all, more like a prison than an office.

  f) In brief, the President plans to cut defense spending and lower taxes.

  g) In conclusion, I want to thank all the people who have volunteered their time to our organization.

  h) In short, the report says that more money should be spent on education.

  i) In sum,weneedtocutcosts.

  j) In summary, do not sell your shares.

  k) To conclude, the prospects for philosophy of religion look brighter than they have done for many moons.

  l) To sum up, for a healthy heart you must take regular exercise and stop smoking.

  m) To summarize, in most cases the schools were achieving the standards set.





考研英语关联词运用例子 表示让步英语关联词 2021考研英语关联词实例




  admittedly, after all, all the same, although, certainly, clearly, even so, it is true (that), in spite of, nevertheless, of course, still, true

  a) The technique is painful, admittedly, but it benefits the patient greatly.

  b) Printing and presentation should be as attractive as possible --- after all the library is an attractive place isn't it?

  c) I realise she can be very annoying, but I think you should apologise all the same.

  d) We decided to take rooms in Longwood House, although we knew we could not really afford the rent.

  e) We are not especially well-treated, certainly not as well as the locals.

  f) Clearly, the racial problems in America have no easy answers.

  g) The fines for speeding are large, but even so,they are not always a deterrent.

  h) And it is true that after his death she ceased to exist for the world beyond the farm.

  i) But in spite of the hardships, real efforts and progress are being made.

  j) A false belief may nevertheless be justified.

  k) Though employment growth is down, the area is still attracting health care, high tech, banking and sports-related industries.


