

英语六级口语 英语六级词汇 英语四级翻译



  Unit8 employment

  1. Do you think we should work to live or live to work? Give reasons.

  I'm afraid that most of us probably must work to live when we are young. We must earn a living for ourselves and our family, as people are expected to be able to establish themselves at thirty (三十而立). However, when we reach a certain age (say 40), we may have fully established ourselves in the world with sufficient financial means (经济能力). Then, we may enter a stage when we live to work. We will probably be able to make a contribution (贡献) to our society, and in the process find real satisfaction from our work. So work will make our lives more meaningful.

  2. Which is more important to you: a job with a high salary or a job with low stress?

  If I had to choose between the two, I would go for a job with a high salary. The reason is: I am young and have a lot of energy; I'm willing to take challenge; and I'm confident I'll be able to handle stress that comes with a job. A high salary, among other things, will give me a high quality of life.

  3. Suppose a close member of your family has been laid off. What advice would you offer to him or her?

  As a student, I'm probably not the best person to give advice. However, I would try to comfort him / her. I would ...



英语六级语法 英语六级词汇 英语六级口语


英语六级考试口语经典问答题:going to a party

  Unit4 going to a party

  1,What is small talk? Are you good at it?

  Small talk is light conversation on unimportant or non-serious subjects. I used to think that small talk is useless and a waste of time, so I didn't learn how to handle small talk. Now I have a different view of small talk. I find it quite useful for the purpose of conversation, especially in social gatherings. That's why I'm trying to improve my skill at small talk.

  2. If you see somebody you really fancy, what would you do?

  I would approach (接近) the person and try to start a conversation with him or her. I would introduce myself in a proper way and then try to find something of common interest to talk about. I guess that's how I make new acquaintances.

  3. What makes a really good party?

  A good party should be a gathering of friends and interesting people where everyone is nice to everyone else. There should be good conversations or good entertainment — music, dance, karaoke (卡拉OK), etc. Good food and drinks won't hurt. It would be even better if you have all of the above.


  Unit5 telephone

  1. How many kinds of phones are available today? What are they?

  Today's telephones may be divided into ...



英语六级考试 英语六级考试词汇 2019英语六级考试



  1、 医药卫生行业:medical and health care industry

  2、 交通运输行业:transportation industry

  3、 信息产业:information industry

  4、 服务业:service industry或services

  5、 制造业:manufacturing industry

  6、 宏观经济调控:macro-economy regulation

  7、 可持续发展:sustainable development

  8、 经济下行:economic downturn/recession

  9、 过度消费:excessive consumption;

  10、风险投资:venture capital

  11、高科技企业:high-tech enterprises

  12、商业模式:business model

  13、内容付费:pay for content

  14、 移动支付/无现金社会:mobile payment/cashless society

  15、 假货:fake products 正品:genuine goods


  17、购买力:purchasing power

  18、就业率:employment rate

  19、失业率:unemployment rate

  20、高薪职业:highly paid profession

  21、住房问题:housing problem

  22、城市交通:urban traffic

  23、交通拥堵:traffic jam

  24、 新能源汽车:new energy vehicles

  25、生活水平:living standards

  26、生活质量:quality of life

  27、寿命:life span

  28、人均收入:average income per capita

  29、消费价格指数:consumer price index

  30、国内生产总值:gross domestic product=DGP

  31、衣食住行:food, clothing, sheltering and transportation

  32、贫困家庭:needy family/poor family

  33、家庭支出:household spending

  34、小康社会:relative affluence society

  35、人口分布:population distribution

  36、流动人口:transient population


