2017托福口语考试汇总 |
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托福口语考试失分点有哪些 |
托福口语考试第二题解题思路 |
托福口语考试第三题模板 |
托福口语考试第四题技巧 |
托福口语考试第四题的时间多久 |
托福口语考试第六题解题技巧 ... |
2017托福口语考试汇总 |
托福口语基础知识 |
托福口语考试失分点有哪些 |
托福口语考试第二题解题思路 |
托福口语考试第三题模板 |
托福口语考试第四题技巧 |
托福口语考试第四题的时间多久 |
托福口语考试第六题解题技巧 ... |
With internet, we can shop online, it is a very convenient and fun way to buy stuff on-line, with just a click of the button, the next moment you know, your order is delivered right at your door.
By signing up on a social network like facebook, twitter, and wechat, which is so popular in China, you can get to know more people. By sending text messages to your friends and family members whenever you want to, I think internet has brought people closer than ever, it makes communication so instant.
Describe one of the most important inventions in recent 100 years. Explain why it is so important. Your explanation should include specific examples and details.
All I need is internet access and a computer or a tablet.
I can just type the key words in the search engine, and the next moment that I know, the answer shows up on the screen.
信息量很大:very informative;
很多的话题:on a wide range of topics
科技、历史、政治和体育:technology, history, politics and even sports;
Which one do you think is better to help do research, internet or academic books? Explain why.
可以说下传统书籍不好, 比如不容易找到你要研究的话题;而且必须要去图书馆, 会浪费很多时间。
Task5主要是关于Campus situation topic,属于summarizing a problem and solutions这类题型。Task5中通常会是一位教授和学生或者两个学生之间关于某个问题进行讨论,然后会提出两个解决方案,让你从中建议一个合理的方案并且说明理由。建议大家分为四个部分来陈述:首先交待问题,然后说明解决方案,接着表明你的choice,最后说明你的reason。顺着这个步骤走,在作一些针对练习,一定会把这个难题拿下的!
Sample conversation
Listen to a conversation between two students.
W: Say, Lenny, do you know anyone who wants a cat?
M: A cat? No, why?
W: Well, this poor little cat showed up outside my apartment one day. He was hungry and cold, so I gave him some cheese, and now he’s still hanging around. My landlord found out and said I have to get rid of it because pets aren’t allowed.
M: You shouldn’t be feeding it. If you stop giving it food, it will go away.
W: I know, I know, but he’s so hungry. I like the cat, and I want him to have a good home. Actually, I’d like to keep him myself.
M: Well, if that’s the case, then you’d better look for another apartment---one that allows pets.
W: I hate to do that. My apartment is so close to campus.
M: Why don’t you give the cat to your mother? She likes animals.
W: My mother already has two cats, so I don’t know----
M: Well, you’d better do something fast, or your landlord will throw you out.
它的题目流程和Task3是一样的,也是Read/Listen/Speak三者结合,都属于integrated speaking题型。不过是关于an academic topic,总的来说,Task4比Task3的难度更加提升了一些,这就要考察你ability of combining the main information of the reading with that of what you heard.
广大托友们一定要注意在做Task4时,它并不要求你发表自己的观点,不要在你的陈述中加入“I think------”或者是“In my opinion”,这是多此一举!而且它也不要求你必须具备听力或者阅读材料中所涉及的相关学术领域的专业知识,你只需要合理地结合两部分给出的信息,然后依据这些信息进行充分有效地回答!
Social Interaction
People deal with each other every day. This interaction is at the heart of social life. The study of social interaction is concerned with the influence people have over one another's behavior. People take each other into account in their daily behavior and in fact, the very presence of others can affect behavior. For example, one principle of social interaction, audience effects, suggests that individuals' work is affected by their knowledge that they are visible to others, that the presence of others tends to alter the way people behave or perform an activity.
Explain how the examples of tying shoes and learning to type demonstrate the principle of audience effects.
Sample answer1
Here we talk about the way we interact each other. What we know and what we want and the others’ presence, behaviors will tend to our actions. This is an example of typing shoes and learning to type which demonstrates the principle of audience ef...
In this wide world, there are thousands of amazing architectures. As for myself, my favorite is undoubtedly the Great Wall. Why? That’s simple. The following reasons will sufficiently illustrate what I say.
First and foremost, the most self- evident reason why I like the Great Wall so much is basically because it symbolizes our Chinese’s great intelligence and hard-work. It’s hard to imagine at that time people can build such huge architecture. Even in modern times, it seems a mission impossible. What’s more, it in some way improves the economic development of China because it attracts thousands of tourists around the world. Meanwhile, it also helps more foreigners to learn about the traditional Chinese culture. Anyway, I love Great Wall.
Who is the best friend to our human beings? With no further doubts, dogs. For me, dogs are always my friend and company.
The reasons why I am so fascinated with dogs can be best summarized as the followings. As for the very first reason, it is apparently because dog is the most loyal and helpful animal in the world. There are many stories about the dog saving his master in all countries. What’s more, dogs are docile and lovely. It is said that dogs are used to watch doors since the ancient time. And no matte...
1. a picky eater 吃饭挑剔之人
2. apple of one's eye 珍爱之人(或物),宝贝
3. the cold shoulder 对某人冷淡
4. a slip of the tongue 口误
5. a bitter pill to swallow 吞下苦果
6. an apple a day keeps the doctor away
7. a piece of cake容易做的事(不费吹灰之力)
8. as fit as a fiddle 非常健康
9. a big appetite 胃口很好
10. an adventurous eater 大胆的食客
11. bring home the bacon挣钱养家
12. bite off more than you can chew
13. burn the midnight oil熬夜
14. be kept in the dark 被蒙在鼓里
15. behind the times过时了,落伍了,不时髦
16. bump into 偶然碰到,撞见
17. burn the candle at both ends 非常忙碌,过度疲劳
18. cry over spilt milk 覆水难收
19. It is not my cup of tea非我所爱
20. the calm before the storm暴风雨前的平静
21. born with a silver spoon in your mouth生于富贵之家,生来享受富贵
22. by hook or by crook 不择手段,无论如何
23. burn one's bridges 破釜沉舟,自断后路
24. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder 情人眼里出西施
25. bite the hand that feeds you 忘恩负义
26. eat like a horse 吃得很多
27. go to pieces 破碎,沮丧,心碎
28. go Dutch 各付各的钱
29. get the axe: 被解雇,被开除
30. go in one ear and out the other 听了并不照办,左耳朵进右耳朵出
31. get carried away 得意忘形,失去理智
32. give somebody a ring 给某人打电话
33. ...
Describe a cafe you enjoyed
You should say:
what special features it has
what kind of food they offer
how often you go there
and explain why you enjoy going there
Ok right then, well the cafe that I’d like to talk to you about is one called Feibi Cafe, which is somewhere in the outskirts of the city, just a few minutes’ walk from where I live.
And as for how often I go there, well I actually go there quite a lot, probably something like once or twice a week. Having said that though, it really kind of depends how busy I am. I mean, there are times when I don’t go for weeks on end because I’m simply too busy with stuff, but normally that’s not the case, and I’m there pretty regularly, as I just mentioned.
Anyway, regarding what kind of things they serve there, well it’s great, because they’ve got a really good selection of both Chinese and Western food, so there’s a lot to choose from. And in terms of drinks, there’salso quite a lot on the menu, especially coffee, which you can probably imagine, what with it being a cafe and all. And I tend to normally always go for the Americano coffee, cos I think they do it really well, and so I’ve never really felt the need to try any of the other drinks on the menu.
But anyway, finally t...
1.In your country’s culture, how do you show that you are being polite?
We really value politeness and good manners in the UK, and there are many types of polite behaviour. One of the first things we learn as children is to say "please" and "thank you". As adults, I think we are careful not to be too direct in the language we use. For example, we would never say "Bring me the bill" in a restaurant because this kind of direct instruction would sound rude. It would be much more polite to say "Could we have the bill, please?".
2.Are we less polite with members of our families than with people we don’t know?
I suppose it's normal to be a bit more relaxed about politeness with family members. Most people tend to speak in a more informal way at home; in the UK, we still say "please" and "thanks", but it's fine to use colloquial language and things like nicknames that you would never use with someone you didn't know.
3.What according to you is politeness?
Speaking Answer: According to me, it is just a way of interacting with people. Some people tend to be polite, means they speak softly and are less likely to use harsh words for others. It is for some the way that people treat others ,the way they want themselves to be treated. I agree with it. It is also about saying please, thank you and sorry whenever required.
4.Who taugh...