

GRE考试范文 GRE考试写作 GRE考试



  Scandals-whether in politics, academia, or other areas-can be useful.They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.



  Scandals occur in nearly every field that human set foot in, both revealed and incubative.Once people recognize that the person they adored yesterday is actually a liar by the exposednesses of his scandal, the first reaction may be anger, sorrow and depression.However, if rational rethinking and remediation have been taken after the reports of scandals, actually greater progresses can always be achieved compared with the efforts made by the daily boring speeches made by speakers and reformers.

  Scandals can clearly show us the hidden unreasonable and unjust regulations, therefore administers or the public can adjust or even correct those errors. After the Watergate Event, not only President Nixon lost his job, but further influence was conducted by the public and medium. They realized that the problem of the abuse of power which was neglected in the past. As a result, a closer scrutiny upon the high officials of government prevents them from abusing their power any longer. Recently, the filthy relationship between Juventus Club and several ref...



GRE考试 GRE范文 GRE考试写作



  A lot of countries have schools that focus only on the males or females. What are the advantages and disadvantages of unisexual schools?

  (Sample 1)

  Imagine being asked to spend twelve or so years of years of your life in a society that consisted only of members of your own sex, how would you react? Unless there was something definitely wrong with you, you wouldn't be too happy about it, to say the least. But the fact is that segregated schools shoot up very rapidly around the world, furthermore, so many parents choose to impose such abnormal conditions on their children- conditions which they themselves wouldn't put up with for one minute!

  Many sociologists and educationalists present their views on this issue from both sides. Those advocates of segregated schools argue that children from segregated schools have greater achievements academically. Socially in athletic and have greater self-confidence. Further, there are many more practical advantages in segregated schools such as administration. Adolescent problems can be dealt with better and more easily. Lastly in many countries, the most famous schools are segregated. It is a wonderful proof of their worth.

  On the other side, those advocates of co-education point out that any discuss...






  Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works of art by using a computer. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


  It is simply absurd to assert that with historical objects and works of art being able to be seen through a computer, public museums and art galleries will no longer be needed.


  First of all, computers can never replace real public museums and art galleries. No matter how real and vivid computer images are, they are only images, not the historical objects and works of art that we see in real or even might be allowed to touch with our fingertips. For those who claim museums and galleries are no longer needed because they can see all they want to on a computer screen, I'd like to suggest that they marry a wife or husband in the computer rather than in real life!







  The chart below shows the number of Japanese tourists traveling abroad between 1985 and 1995 and the graph reveals Australia's share of the Japanese tourist market.

  Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.


  The chart and the graph respectively show the number of Japanese tourists traveling abroad and the number of Japanese tourists to Australia from 1985 to 1995.


  As is indicated in the chart and graph, there was a steady increase both in the number of Japanese tourists traveling abroad and in Australia's share of Japan's tourist market.


  To begin with, from 1985 to 1995, the number of Japanese tourists traveling abroad was tripled, growing from just about 5 million to more than 15 million. The only exception was the year of 1991, when there was a slight decline as compared with the previous year. By contrast, all the other years witnessed a gradual increase.







  Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works of art by using a computer. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


  It is simply absurd to assert that with historical objects and works of art being able to be seen through a computer, public museums and art galleries will no longer be needed.


  First of all, computers can never replace real public museums and art galleries. No matter how real and vivid computer images are, they are only images, not the historical objects and works of art that we see in real or even might be allowed to touch with our fingertips. For those who claim museums and galleries are no longer needed because they can see all they want to on a computer screen, I'd like to suggest that they marry a wife or husband in the computer rather than in real life!







  Too much time, money, and energy are spent developing new and more elaborate technology. Society should instead focus on maximizing the use of existing technology for the immediate benefit of its citizens.

  I must say that I reject this statement. While it is true that we need to support society as much as possible with current technology, that does not in any way mean that we should stop progressing simply because our current technology cannot handle all the problems we have brought to it. Does that mean that we should simply accept the status quo and make do? No, I don't think so. To do so would be tantamount to adopting a fatalistic approach; I think most people would reject that.

  Technology has helped, and it has hurt. Without it, we would never have our standard of living, nor quality of nutrition, expectation of a long and productive life span, and the unshakable belief that our lives can be made even better. But it has also brought us universal pollution, weapons so powerful as to be capable of rendering us extinct, and the consequent fear for our survival as species and as a planet. Technology is indeed a double-edged sword. And yet, I still have to argue in its favor, because without it, we have no hope.

  Some might argue that we would be better off without technology. T...



GRE考试 GRE写作范文



  When famous people give their opinions, many people listen. Should we pay attention to those remarks?

  When Tom Cruise once appeared in a TV program, he was too excited so he jumped up and down the couch. Later “jump the couch” was adopted in the American dictionary for slang. This is a bit exaggerating, but it definitely reflects the fact that when famous people give their opinions, many people listen. But, should we pay attention to these remarks or actions?

  Firstly, famous people are “famous”, for they have one or few aspects that exceed common people. Like Albert Einstein once said, “I think and think for months, for years, ninety-nine times the conclusion false, but the hundredth time I am right.” As a brilliant scientist, he speaks of the right attitudes towards science and inspires countless people to fight for the truth. Hollywood actors or actresses, they may talk about their dressing styles or skin cares on magazine. These are all advice that we might as well take, for real life is not just serious academic things but also the satisfaction of living.

  But the point is that, celebrities are not perfect role models for the public. Once I heard a story about Einstein, saying that he nearly got into the water when he once harassed a young lady and got refused when they were in a ...



GRE考试 GRE写作范文




  “Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years that scholars' ideas reach only a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience,their ideas will have little use.”



  Although academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years,scholars' ideas can still reach a wide audience by the advantage of the knowledge structure. We can simply put that it is the human beings' knowledge structure that makes it possible for a scholar's ideas in his specialized discipline to reach a much wider audiences who don't necessarily belong to his own discipline.

  The reason why I draw this conclusion will be illustrated by recalling the process of social evolution.

  During the passed centuries,the social economy has been greatly boosted by the revolutions in science and technology,which in turn increases the width and depth of academic disciplines to solve unencountered and more complex problems arising in the new situations. To solve new problems,we probably need new methods. That will undoubtedly calls for invention of new ideas,which will certainly adds to human beings' knowledge. Thus with the progress of science and technology,mor...



GRE考试 GRE写作范文




  It is possible to pass laws that control or place limits on people's behavior, but legislation cannot reform human nature. Laws cannot change what is in people's hearts and minds.



  Ever since the Code of Hammurapi comes into being, laws have begun to put restrictions on people's behaviors and have played an important role in the maintenance of social order. But aside from its impact on shaping public deportment, legislation is of no avail to reform human nature as well as mankind thoughts.

  Our collective life experience is that we make choices and decisions every day--under a legal system. No one is ever granted the rights to surpass the boundary of laws; otherwise there may be lack of protection for private property and personal right from being violated. Common sense tells us that the laws will punish the wrongdoers severely sometimes so harshly even to sentence the felons to death. It is the awe to controlling authority as well as the fear of castigation that made most of the people away from the illicit behaviors. Laws, for better or worse, have put up a paradigm on which people abide by, for the sak...



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