In a darkened room at the edge of downtown Washington, DC, electronic music pulses over the speakers as a crowd of mostly sweaty young women bop up and down.
Candles burn at the front and inspirational slogans cover the walls.
Sadly, this is not a drug-fuelled rave, but rather a mid-afternoon spin class.
悲哀的是,它不是一场药物刺激下的狂欢,而是斯宾课(spin class)的下午场。
It is run by Soul Cycle, which promotes the idea that riding an exercise bike to loud music is a kin to entering a “soul sanctuary”.
这是一节由Soul Cycle开办的动感单车课程,他推广的运营理念是在激烈音乐下骑行,就好比参加了次“灵魂救赎营”集训。
The experience, which also involves awkwardly lifting weights while cycling, costs about $35for 45 minutes.
This does not deter its well-heeled customers: “Some of the women pay a lot of money to go here”, says a staff member, her eyebrows raised.
The recession of 2008 damaged many industries. One which emerged remarkably unscathed was exercise.
According to figures from the International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association, an industry group, gym members now number 54m, up from 45m in 2009.