

英语六级翻译 英语六级翻译练习



  脸谱(facial makeup)是指中国传统戏剧—京剧里男演员脸部的彩色化妆。 它在色彩、形式和类型上有一定的格式。脸谱运用红色、黄色、白色、黑色、紫色、绿色和银色代表不同的人物性格。各角色的脸谱由油漆、粉和油彩画成,基本形式是整脸、三块瓦脸(San Kuai Wa Lian)和碎脸。这些脸谱类型被广泛用于代 表将军、官员、英雄、神灵和鬼魅。通过眼睛和鼻子周围形状各异的白色小块, 可以辨别出丑角(Chou actors)。有时这些小块以黑色勾勒,常称小花脸。


  Facial makeup refers to the colorful painting on theface of the actors in Peking Opera, which is atraditional Chinese opera. It has certain format interms of color,design and type.Red,yellow,white,black,purple,green and silverare the main colors used for facial makeup to represent different characters. The facial designsfor the roles are made by painting, powdering and coloring in the basic forms of ZhengLzan(keeping the basic face pattern),San Kuai Wa Lian(three-section face) and SuiLian(fragmentary face).These types are widely used to represent generals,officials,heroes,gods and ghosts. The Chou (clown) actors can be recognized by the patch of white in variousshapes painted around the eyes and nose. Sometimes these patches are outlined in black, oftencalled Xiao Hua Lian(partly painted face).


  1.脸部的彩色化妆:可译为the colorful painting on theface。

  2.在色彩、形式和类型上:可用词组in terms of表达,译为in terms of color,design and type。

  3.整脸、三块瓦脸和碎脸:“整脸”是最原始的脸谱形式,利用双眉把脸分为额 和面两个部分的脸谱;“三块瓦脸”是在整脸的基础上再利用口鼻把面部分为...



2015英语六级 2015英语六级翻译



  当今社会,客来敬茶已经成为人们日常社交和家庭生活中普遍的往来礼仪。俗话说:酒满茶半。上茶时应以右手端茶,从客人的右方奉上,并时带微笑。当然,喝茶的客人也要以礼还礼,双手接过,点头致谢。品茶时,讲究小口品饮,其妙趣在于意会而不可言传。另外,可适当称赞主人茶好。总之,敬茶是国人礼仪中待客的一种日常礼节,也是社会交往的一项内容,不仅是对客人、朋友的尊重, 也能体现自己的修养(self-cultivation)。


  Nowadays, offering tea to guests has becomecommon etiquette in daily social interaction andfamily life. As the saying goes, white spirit, full cup;tea, half cup. Tea cup should be held on the righthand and offered to guests with a smile from theirright side. Of course,the guests should pay respect as well, taking over the cup with bothhands and nodding to express his thanks. When tasting tea,you should drink it in small sips,the beauty and fun of which is beyond words. In addition, you could praise the tea of theowner appropriately. In short, offering tea is a daily ritual of Chinese people when receivingguests and it is also part of social interaction. It can not only show respect to guests andfriends, but also reflect your self-cultivation.


  1.敬茶:可以理解为“献茶”,故译为offer tea。

  2.俗话说:可译为as the saying goes,固定译法。

  3.酒满茶半:可译为white spirit,full cup;tea,halfcup。在中国的餐桌文化里,酒要倒满,而茶要倒半杯。

  4.以礼还礼:可译为pay respect as well。

  5.讲究小口品饮:即drink it in small sips。其中,sip作名词,意为“小口喝”;也可以作动词,例如Mike sipped hisdrink quickly.(迈克快速地喝了 一小口饮料。)...



英语六级翻译练习 2015英语六级翻译





  Zhaozhou Bridge was built on the Jiao River about 2.5 kilometers away from the south of Zhaoxian county. The bridge was constructed in AD 605-616. Designed by a well-known Chinese mason, Li Chun, it’s made of stone, 50.82 meters long and 10 meters wide, with an unusual arch that is 7.23 meters high with a span of 37.35 meters. The stone railing and columns on the bridge were carved with beautiful dragon and phoenix designs. One of the earliest Chinese arch bridges with a long open-spandrel arch in the middle and two small arches on each side, this bridge occupies an important place in the history of Chinese bridge building and has been of interest to tourists and engineers alike.


  赵州桥 Zhaozhou Bridge

  洨河 Jiao River

  建造 construct

  匠师 mason

  不可思议的 unusual

  弧形桥洞 arch

  跨度 span

  栏杆 railing

  柱子 column

  龙凤 dragon and phoenix

  空腹式的 open-spandrel

  占有 occupy




英语六级翻译 英语六级翻译练习





  In a sense, Chinese is a very old language, and its earliest characters date back nearly four thousand years ago.During their long history of development, Chinese characters have evolved into many different script forms,such as the Seal script, Clerical script, Regular script and Running script. Chinese calligraphers usually render their Chinese characters in ways that exaggerate the form to yield artistic beauty, such as those in stone inscriptions seen in tourist resorts. Chinese calligraphy is a subject of artistic study. As your interest in Chinese character system increases in the days to come, we will introduce in due time the different schools of Chinese calligraphy, and how to appreciate the artistic beauty of Chinese calligraphy.


  从某种意义上说 in a sense

  汉字 Chinese character

  演化 evolve

  书写形式 script form

  篆书 Seal script

  隶书 Clerical script

  楷书 Regular script

  行书 Running script

  书法家 calligrapher

  致使 render

  取得 yield

  旅游胜地 tourist resort

  石刻碑文 stone inscription



英语六级阅读理解 英语六级练习题



  At age 17, as a senior in high school, Kavita Shukla filed for her second patent: a piece of paper that would transform how food is stored and kept fresh. Ten years later, her product is being used in 35 countries, has been called "the  36 paper" and was recently launched in Whole Foods. Fresh Paper is infused with organic spices that inhibit  37 and fungal growth; when stored with produce, it can keep food fresh two to four times longer than normal--like refrigeration without electricity. The spice mixture comes from an old family recipe passed along by Shukla's grandmother, who once gave it to her after she  38 drank tap water on a visit to India. "Drink this and you won't get sick," she was told.

  On Friday, Shukla was joined onstage at the Women in the World Summit in New York by Rula Jebreal, a  39 and foreign-policy expert at MSNBC (微软全国有线广播电视公司). Jebreal lamented the fact that while the world's farmers actually produce enough food to feed the world's hungry, 13 billion tons of food are lost annually to spoilage. What's more, some 1.6 billion people currently living without 40 to refrigeration struggle to keep their diets healthy. Shukla's company, Fenugreen, which she started in 2010, 41 these people, along with food banks and small-scale farmers. "For so many people, this was about so much more than a piece of paper," she said. "It ...


英语六级备考 英语六级练习题



  Psychologists take opposing views of how external rewards, from warm praise to cold cash, affect motivation and creativity. Behaviorists, who study the relation between actions and their consequences, argue that rewards can __1__ performance at work and school. Cognitive( 认识派的 ) researchers, who study various aspects of mental life, maintain that rewards often destroy creativity by encouraging dependence on __2__ and gifts from others.

  The latter view has gained many supporters, __3__ among educators. But the careful use of small __4__ rewards speaks creativity in grade school children, suggesting that properly presented inducements( 刺激 ) indeed __5__inventiveness, according to a study in the June Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

  “If kids know they’re working for a reward and can focus on a relatively __6__ task, they show the most creativity,” says Robert Eisenberger of the University of Delaware in Newark. “But it’s easy to __7__ creativity by giving rewards for poor performance or creating too much anticipation for rewards.

  A teacher who continually draws attention to rewards or who hands our high grades for __8__ achievement ends uPwith uninspired students, Eisenberger holds. As an example of the latter point, he notes growing efforts at major universities to tighten grading standards and __9__ failin...


英语六级阅读理解 英语六级备考练习



  A day after the mobile phone celebrated its 40th birthday, Facebook has produced something that it hopes will make certain of the devices even more useful. On April 4th the giant social network 36  Home, new software that is designed to give it more prominence on mobile phones powered by Android, an operating system developed by Google.

  This matters because more and more folk are now accessing social networks from mobile devices rather than from desktop computers and because mobile advertising  37  are growing fast, albeit from a low base. Without a robust mobile  38  , Facebook could see some of its users siphoned off by rivals born in the mobile era. And it could miss out on a  39  massive source of new revenue.

  There had been  40  that Facebook was working on a phone of its own, or at least on a mobile operating system to rival Android or Apple's IOS. But dabbling in hardware at this stage of its development would be a huge risk for Facebook and developing a rival operating system would risk  41  Apple and Google, whose mobile platforms have helped power its advertising growth, eMarketer, a research firm,  41  Facebook is on track to win 11% of the $13.6 billion likely to be spent around the world on mobile ads this year.

  Home, which is a group of Facebook apps, avoids both pitfalls. Among other things, it 4...


2012年05月21日 05时32分,《英语网:英语六级语法大全:动词》由留学群liuxuequn.com英语编辑整理.
