Listen to a lecture in a biology class.
女 Professor: 好,在今天开始讲课之前,我们先 review 一下上节课的内容。上节课,我们讲了(We have talked about)神经元细胞(电脑中心的框中打出:neuron), 以及其工作的原理(function), 有谁能回忆起来?
男 student (注意:名字叫 Bernard, 重读在第二个音节,待会儿女老师会直呼其名):“neuron 是指在大脑运作的过程中起作用的一种细胞cell,它接受 electronic signal, 经过传递,然后再送往大脑的接收器。
女 Professor 忽然打断(重听题) :“好的。 Bernard, 可以了。你的答案很 complete.” 那么今天,我们来讲一下 glial cell (电脑中央打出) ,这也是大脑物质中的一种。(Historically) 历史上,生物学家不重视glial cell,对神经传导的研究仅限于 neuron (神经元), 也叫 nerve cell。神经传导通过 electrical communication 从一个结点传到另一个结点,神经元被认为起主要作用,glial cell研究的很少,一直被忽略,被看作help the growth of neurons(出题),起辅助作用(support neutron)。例如,(以前 biologists 认为)glial cell 的作用是 protect, repair the damaged neutron cell。
后来偶然发现大脑中glial cell比neuron的数目多很多, glial cell 引起了科学家的重视, 开始研究它究竟起什么作用 (此处出题,问 glial cell 怎么引起科学家注意的)。(However, scientists accidentally discover that glial’s amount is far overnumber the number of the neuron. So glial attract people’s attention. )
人们发现胶质细胞也有传导信息的作用,不过不是通过生物电(not electronicall...
All right. I hope you all had a chance to finish the assigned readings about animal play, because I want to spend some time discussing the different viewpoints presented in those articles. Let''s start with the play-as-preparation hypothesis. Jerry, can you explain it?
Male Student=
Yeah, Play-as-preparation. Young animals play in order to get really good at certain specific things they will need to do when they are adults, things like chasing, pouncing, climbing. In other words, they play in order to practice survival skills, like movements used in hunting and fighting. That hypothesis makes a lot of sense, like, maybe the most sense of all the theories we read about.
And what leads you to that conclusion?
Male Student=
Well, like wolves, the young pups, they fight a lot and bite, you know, not to hurt each other, but ... It just seems obvious why those wolf pups pl...
Conversation l:Student & Clerk in the Bookstore
Narrator: Listen to a conversation between a student and a clerk in the bookstore.
Student: Hi. Can you tell me where to find New Kind of Science? By, uh, by Stephen Wolfram.
Clerk: OK
Student: ...uh, I couldn't find it
Clerk: OK. Let me look it up on the computer for you. Who would you say the author was?
Student: It's a Stephen Wolfram.
Clerk: OK. Let's see... Hmm... no, it's not coming up. Hmm..,. I am not seeing it
Student: Um...hmm.
Clerk: This is for a class here at the university, right?
Student: Yeah, It's assigned reading for a class I am taking.
Clerk: It's for the semester, right? You are not buying it in advance for next year or anything.
Student: No, no. It's for a class I am taking now.
Clerk: Hmm...
Student: Oh, oh, you know what? Um, it's for a graduate class. Would that maybe make a difference? I me...