utilitarian – made to be useful rather than to be decorative or comfortable
utilitarianism –a doctrine that the useful is the good and that the determining consideration of right conduct should be the usefulness of its consequences
insouciant – a relaxed and calm state: a feeling of not worrying about anything; lighthearted unconcern : nonchalance
adj. obligatory
These instructions are mandatory; any violation will be severely punished.
reconcilation; cooperation; harmonizing; reconcilement
dilatory:tending or intended to cause delay;(adj,拖拉的,拖延的)
quotidian: occurring every day (每天发生的); commonplace, ordinary (平凡普通的)。
egregious: very bad and easily noticed; conspicuously bad.
(1) GRE考试 大部分使用的单词都是很正常的四级,六级,托福水平的单词;
(2) 超过托福水平的那2000个单词中,大约常考的只有一半不到,也就是1000个必备的核心词;掌握这1000个,做题正确率到60%的基础就有了。也就是155+的基础就有了。“再要你命3000”以及“红宝书”的选词范围都大大的超过了这1000个,可以说,这两本书对于这部分单词的掌握,是低效的,并非高效。
(3) 不常考的另外那1000个单词,其中大约有600个不难,但就是不常考。大约有400个左右确实非常“晦涩难懂”!如果你的目标是165+,那这1000个必须要掌握。对于这1000个单词,“再要你命3000”的选词范围又太小了,是无论如何也覆盖不了的。“...