2015年7月23日和25日相继有雅思考试,大家准备的怎么样了,为了让大家提高复习效率,提高考试分数,留学群雅思频道为您提供最新最权威的雅思考试预测题,希望对广大考生有所帮助。下面是留学群小编整理的2015年7月雅思口语Part 1&2预测 ,欢迎参考。
Part 1:
1. Your Work or Your Studies
2. Your Hometown
3. Your Home (Your Accommodation)
1. *Newspaper & News
2. *Emails & Letters & Phone
3. *Furits & Vegatables
4. *Sports
5. *Leisure Time & Being Alone
6. *Concert
7. *Travelling & Public Transport
8. *Helping Others
9. *Party
10. *Subject/Math
11. *Future Plan
12. Advertisement
13. Books/Reading
14. Clothes
15. Collection
16. Museums and Art Galleries
17. Music
18. Shopping
19. Sky
20. Sleeping
21. Teachers
22. Television
23. Time Management
24. Trees
25. Vistors
26. Weather Season and Climate
27. Weekends