

2015年7月11日托福写作 2015年7月11日托福考试



  Independent Writing:

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Teachers should be paid at least as much as doctors, lawyers or business leaders are paid.

  Nowadays, the salary level of teachers has aroused a heated discussion in the society. Many teachers consider that their salary is lower compared with other professions, and they advocate the raise in salary to the level that could be compared with doctors, lawyers or even business leaders. As far as I am concerned, though improving the overall payment level of the teachers has certain benefits, whether to raise the salary should be considered more comprehensively.

  Admittedly, giving teachers’ a comparable salary to doctors, lawyers or even business leaders might serve as an effective tool to motivate teachers. Being given more money, teachers might feel obliged to teach students well. In this case, they might treat students with more patience and respond to their questions more carefully. Also, Giving teachers enough money would relieve their financial burdens, which could keep teachers more concentrated on ...



7.11托福预测 7.11托福写作预测 托福写作预测




  1. 在国内学,还是留学?There are both advantages and disadvantages to going to school in another country. Describe the good points and bad points about going to school in another country, and come to a conclusion about whether it is better or not to study abroad or stay at home. Give support for your opinion.

  2. 生几个好?Some families have many children, while others have only one child. Think about the positive and negative aspects of being in a family with several children. What size of family seems best? Why?

  3. 课堂学,还是课外学?We can be educated in many ways. Though much education happens in a classroom, we are also educated in our daily life through doing activities and listening to our friends and our family members. Which is a better way to learn: in a classroom with a teacher, or outside a classroom by doing things? Support your answer with examples and details.

  4. 如何好好放松?People have different ways of relaxing. Some people like to go out walking. Others like to read, sleep, eat, listen to music, or watch televisi...



2015年7月11日托福写作 2015年7月11日托福真题 托福真题



  Integrated Writing:


7月11/12日托福考试 托福写作机经 7月11/12日托福写作预测

  2015年7月11/12日的托福考试写作部分应该重点复习哪些题目? 留学群提供最权威的托福考试预测,本预测为小范围预测题,包括托福综合写作和托福独立写作预测共计18套题。下面是留学群带来的2015年7月11/12日托福写作机经预测,欢迎参考。








2015年11月21日托福写作 2015年11月21日托福考试




  Independent Writing:


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The most important thing people learned is from families. 2013.5.31NA


  The advent and proliferation of personal computers, the widespread adoption of cell-phones, and the invention of the internet—not to mention the great abundance of literature of child-rearing— have all had a visible impact on how parents interact with their children. From my perspective, the influence of families becomes less.

  While admittedly we spend the major of our early years with our families and are heavily influenced by them, we eventually leave the nest and are more affected by our peers and our community. When we were younger, our parents and other relatives are the ones that we spent the majority of our time with. Hence due to both our genetic predisposition and our social interactions, we share a lot of the same values and tastes as our relatives. We learn how to face the world and deal with various situat...


2015年11月15日托福写作 2015年11月15日托福考试




  Do you agree or disagree with the statement: the more money people have, the more money they should give away to charity.

  Someone says that money is what makes the world go round. Whether people who have more money ought to give more to charity has become a heated topic. In my opinion, it is not a responsibility for the rich to donate their wealth.

  In the first place, they should spend money on art. Creating a moral code that compels the rich to pour their money down the bottomless rat-hole of charitable causes will diminish investment in culture, the lasting legacy of any civilization. Take Bill and Melinda Posterns along with their friend Warren Pummel for example, they are reputedly the most three “generous” philanthropists in the world. 40 billion dollar endowment of their foundation is a drop in the bucket compared to what is needed to alleviate hunger, malaria, AIDS, and malnutrition. If they had spent their money on art, they could have bought 40 museums with better collections than the Detroit Institute of Arts.



2015年11月8日托福写作 2015年11月8日托福考试





  Independent Writing:

  Schools have always offered students three types of after-school activities. But due to recent limited budgets, they can only support one kind of activities. Which one would you choose? Why?



  3.Volunteering (eg. for the community)


  All three activities are beneficial for students, and will help them build various skills, as well as teach them important values; however, I am convinced that, in case of a budget cut, schools should only maintain volunteering as an after-school activity.

  It has been proven that students that have been assigned to volunteer work finished their semester healthier and happier than their peers who didn’t volunteer. They became more altruistic and empathetic, and had less negative attitudes. Moreover, volunteer bring students into contact with individuals from all walks of life, which helps broaden their minds and challenge their vision of power and privileges. All and al...


2015年11月28日托福写作 2015年11月28日托福考试




  Independent Writing:

  Do you agree or disagree that with the following statement? It's more important for the government to spend money to build art museums and music performance centers than to build recreational facilities (such as swimming pool and playgrounds).

  Art museums, concert halls and recreational facilities are indispensable to any civilized society. When it comes to the issue of the arrangement of a government's budget, some people suggest that the government should spend more of its funds on art museums and concert halls rather than on popular entertainment facilities such as swimming pools and playgrounds. Although investing in recreational facilities is a positive thing, I believe that art museums and concert halls carry more weight.

  Admittedly, recreational facilities do need money. It is because sports enthusiasts usually outnumber lovers of art and music. For example, there are more basketball fans than piano players and basketball courts are always extremely crowded. Moreover, sports facilities represent a great e...
