第一题 讨论如何解决城市交通拥挤的问题。what do you think we should do to decrease the usage of car or other vehicle and solve the traffic problems?
第二题 问动物保护应该是政府出钱 还是私人出钱。 Do do think goverment should spend funding to save the animals which on the age of extinction or only for private source?
第三题 文章讨论学校戏剧演出因为经济问题 不在对学生打折 然后有个女的说不同意 原因1 本来看学校演出的就都是当地的居民 没有多少学生 所以提升票价不会有多少帮助, 然后第二是 哪怕打折的时候 很多学生都负担不起 不打折就更没人看了。
The announcement is about start to next semester, students is going to pay the same amout of money when they go to concert, that means more discount providing. The women disagree with this idea. First reason she gives is that it would not helpful for the finacial problems since most people who go to the concert pay the regular price. For example, last time she went to the concert, only a few student there. The second reason is that most student expecially who is majoring in art cannot afford the price of concert. It will be diffcult for them since they need to listen to it in their major.
第四题 说学习兴趣 给了一个定义 就是教学的时候 要把书本材料和学生现有兴趣联系起来 教授聚了一个他老婆的例子 讲居里夫人 一开始学生们都不能集中精力 后来他老婆找到一个关于居里夫人的电影, 说了一些他的发明 和故事, 很多对电影感兴趣的同学也就开始对居里夫人感兴趣, 注意力很容易就集中了。
Interest Boosting
teacher sometimes use this tecnic to boost the interste of students in class by showing the material of the subject. For example, the speaker's wife teaches sine...