第一题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?In twenty years’ time, people will ; lead a more leisurely life.
1) 人越来越多,人们竞争更激烈。
2) 移动设备的发展使得人们模糊了工作和生活的界限。
3) 房价上涨,物价上涨。人们为生存奔波,不得停歇。
1) 人们的休闲意识增加了。
2) 政府会制定更多的假期。比如80年代是一周休息1天。现在一周休2天。
3) 科技发展,用机器代替人力。
1) The traditional image of an office worker clocking off at 5p.m, heading home after a hard day and putting all thoughts of work to bed until 9 am no longer applies for the majority of today’s employees. Boundaries between work and home lives are blurring.传统的办公室员工下午5点结束工作,回家,睡觉到早上9点再工作的形象已不适用于现在的员工。
2) The sheer quantity and sophistication in mobile technology now available has served to further intensify the blurring between home and work, making it easier than ever to work on the move and to transfer content between devices.高科技无处不在,这使得通过各种设备传递信息比以往任何时候都方便。这进一步模糊了工作和生活的界限。
第二题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents do not understand their children as well as parents did in 50 years ago.
1) 现在的父母一般只有一个小孩,尤其韩国和中国。所以很重视。
2) 现在的父母不用四处为生活奔波,有时间陪小孩。
3) 现在很多杂志,网站,机构帮助父母,告诉他们通过各种合适...