留学群高考频道在考试后及时公布各科高考试题答案和高考作文及试卷专家点评, 请广大考生家长关注。时光飞逝, 暑假过去了,新学期开始了,不管情愿与否, 无论准备与否, 我们已走进高三, 走近我们的梦!祝愿决战2014高考的新高三学员能倍加努力,在2014年高考中也能取得优异的成绩。
311. It was with great delight that I read in your February _____ the letter to the Editor written by Prof. Johnson.
A. issue B. printing C. magazine D. copy
[答案] A. issue.
[注释] 根据题意,此处是指某杂志二月份的那一期,故应选 issue。printing 印刷;印刷术。至于 copy 与 issue 的区别,copy 指书刊的“本,册”;而 issue 是指报刊或杂志的“期”.
本题译文: 非常高兴地拜读了贵刊二月的一期中所登载的约翰逊教授致编辑的信.
312. What I'm telling you is strictly _____. Do not let anyone know of it.
A. secretive B. special C. individual D.confidential
[答案] D. confidential.
[注释] confidential(=spoken or written in secret) 机密的,应保密的:The information is confidential. special 专门的,专用的: a special car(专车).individual 个别的,单个的。secretive(=fond of keeping secrets) 爱保密的,守口如瓶的.
本题译文: 我现在告诉你的事是保密的,千万别让人知道.
313. The author had qualified as a doctor but later gave up the _____ of medicine for full-time writing.
A. prescriptionB. procedure C. treatment D. practice
[答案] D. practice.
[注释] practice(医生或律师的)业务,生意: 1 The lawer has a very good practice. 2 We call a doctor's work and the number of patients he look after his practice.(我们把医生的工作和医治病人的数目称为开业状况.)
prescription 药方;procedure 程序,手续;treatment 治疗,待遇.
本题译文: 这位作者当过医生,但后来放弃开业,专搞写作.
314. Julie is one of those women who always _____ the latest fashions.