

雅思口语技巧 雅思口语备考 雅思口语



  例如:Do you have many friends? 同学大多数会直接按照字面的意思回答成‘Yes, I do. I have 10 friends’ 其实这个问题的隐含意是‘能讲讲你对朋友或友情的看法吗?’你完全可以天马行空的谈任何与友情相关的论点。


  就拿这道题来说,可以涉及的点包括:1. 与朋友在一起的好处;2. 与朋友在一起都做些什么; 3. 友谊对你来说重要吗; 4. 什么性格的人没有朋友; 5. 独自一个人的好处; 6. 交不到朋友的原因和如何交朋友,等等。 那么你在做出肯定或否定回答后,只要给出任何一个引申作为解释都可以。而且其他与朋友相关的问题也都是大同小异,可以一个答案对应很多问题,从而做到以一敌百。


  1. Are your friends mostly your age or different ages? [Why?]

  Well…give me a second…Hah! Actually most of them are in my age and maybe it’s because I am still a college student and we are all good at socializing. I spend variety of my time hanging out with my friends who are also my classmates. Probably, it is a destiny that we can study in the same class and become close friends。

  2. Do you usually see your friends during the week or at weekends? [Why?]

  Ok…on weekdays, I think. Especially after the whole day study, we always have fun together. As we have a lot in common, like...





  Steve老师是前任雅思考官, Steve认为雅思口语考试其实不难,关键在于思路和表现。如果同学们真的任何思路都没有的情况下,可以试用下面的公式,这些公式帮助过很多高中生,四级没过的大学生取得6.5分以上的成绩,通过思路帮助大家有很多话说,给考官的印象是Even though I am not good at speaking ,still I want to have a try.考官一样会给你不错的分数,绝对不能Mute.



  公式一是: I+F=HAPPY. I 是你自己, F是朋友+家人,HAPPY是你们一起做这个事件的感觉怎样,什么情况下做,用who , when ,why ,what 去展开。



  E.G. Do you love watching movies?

  Yes, I do. I love watching movies ,and my family also do.? We often spend time together in the cinema on weekends, which makes us very happy and comfortable. (公式一)

  (同学们记住,在转第二点的时候最好用Also,You know,well 不要用SECONDLY,这样会给考官有背作文的影子), watching movies is way to help me relax.(内因) You know I am a student , having a lot of pressure from exams and study. (外因) (公式二) Do you love cooking, why?任何话题只要是第一部分的都是差不多的。

  Yes, I do. I love cooking ,and my family also do.? We often spend time together at home to cook our delicious food, which makes us very happy and comfortable. (公式一)

  Also, cooking, I think is the best way to help me relax。




雅思口语 本文

What sort of clothes do you like to wear?
What is your favourite kind of clothes?
Where do you usually buy clothes?
What is the most important thing you consider when buying clothes?
What kind of clothes don’t you like? Why not?
What is the difference between clothes that people wear on weekdays and weekends?
What role do clothes play in people’s life?
How do the old people look at young people’s fashion?
What is the difference between the opinions of old and young people on clothes?
Why do young people wear clothes and try to look different?
What do you think of the fashion today?
Do you like fashionable clothes?
Where do you get fashion information?
Do you think the colour of people’s clothes tells anything about their personality?

Do you like travel? Why or why not?
Where have you been?
What place impressed you most?
Tell me about the kind of foreign visitors or tourists who go to your country.
What would you suggest a visitor should see and do in your country?
In what ways has tourism changed your country?

How did you come here today?
Have you been caught in a traffic jam?
How you go to school/work every day?
What is public transport like in your town?
How do you think it could be improved?
Do you think people should use public transport more? Why or why not?
Do you think it’s a good idea for peop...



雅思口语 本文
本文来自雅思口语网liuxuequn.com《雅思口语第一部分参考答案》。 These are to be used only for reference.
Any attempts to use them word for word in the IELTS exam WILL result in very low scores.Be warned!

1.Study or Work 学习或工作

a) Are you a student or working?

i.I’m currently a senior at Fuzhou University studying Accounting.

ii.Neither. I graduated from High School last year and since then, I’ve been preparing for IELTS full-time.

b)Why did you choose this major / job ?

i.Mainly because the prospect of getting a better-paid job is higher than other majors.

c)Which part of your studies/job do you find most interesting?

i.Actually, I don’t find it fun at all because the course load is too much to handle. I hardly have time to do anything else.

d)What is the most difficult part of your studies/job?

i.I hate the office politics that’s going on among my colleagues. It is distracting and not to mention, childish!

e)What do you hope to do when you finish your studies?

i.My plan is to study Business Management in Australia. After that, I might even settle down over there.

f)What kind of courses require team work?

i.Any courses could involve team work. It all depends on the kind of assignments handed to us. For e.g. we definitely need to work together for a group presentation.

g)Do you prefer to (work/study) alone or in a group?

i.Most of th...

