
苹果2015发布会:苹果公布iOS 9及全新音乐服务

苹果2015发布会 苹果公布iOS 9 Apple Music
苹果2015发布会:苹果公布iOS 9及全新音乐服务

  北京时间6月9日凌晨1点,苹果全球开发者大会WWDC 2015在美国旧金山芳草地艺术中心举行。会上苹果公司公布了iOS 9及OS X EI Capitan操作系统,还发布了watchOS 2、ApplePay、CarPlay等相关内容。最后还推出了全新的重磅音乐服务——Apple Music。下面就跟随留学群小编具体来看看这条新闻。

  双语:苹果发布会 9.99美元苹果音乐带回家

  Apple announced its new music streaming service on Monday, dubbed Apple Music, entering a hotly competitive market but offering a product that comes with tremendous strengths.

  周一,苹果公布了名为Apple Music的新音乐流媒体服务。虽然这一服务面临激烈的市场竞争,但它能提供优势显著的产品。

  Calling it a "revolutionary music service," legendary music industry figure Jimmy Iovine took the stage at the company's annual conference for developers to unveil what had been widely expected ahead of the event. Apple Music includes a service to connect artists and fans and what the company described as a global radio station called Beats 1.

  音乐界传奇人物吉米·埃尔文在苹果年度开发者大会上登场,称这一此前广受期待的产品为“革命性的音乐服务”。Apple Music中包括的一项服务能将艺术家、乐迷和Beats1(苹果称之为全球广播之声)连接起来。

  While late to the streaming music business, Apple has strong advantages: deep relationships with music companies; a global brand; and hundreds of millions of customers — and their credit cards — through iTunes.


  Apple Music's $9.99 US a month price takes effect after a three-month free subscriptionperiod. The company is also offering ...

