苏塞克斯大学怎么样?苏塞克斯大学位于英格兰南部海滨城市布莱顿的郊外,1961年获得皇家特许状(Royal Charter)授予大学资格。这所大学是以研究见长的“1994集团”(1994 Group)的创始成员之一,在英国大学的排行榜上属于较前的位置。苏塞克斯大学在2014《卫报》大学排行榜上排名第32名,而在2013年TIMES排名第18位,与去年相比有所下滑,但是并不影响苏塞克斯大学的名气。那么,对于苏塞克斯大学的国际学生英语语言有什么要求呢?以下是留学群小编为您精心准备的苏塞克斯大学国际学生英语语言要求,欢迎阅读!
原文:Academic and English language requirements
原文:You must be academically qualified to take the modules for which you apply.
原文:You are normally expected to have completed at least one year of higher education in your own country.
原文:For Masters-level modules, you are usually expected to have completed at least three years of higher education in your home country or have permission from the course tutor.
原文:For students in the US, a current grade point average of 3.0 or higher is normally required. The applications of students from other countries are assessed on an individual basis.
原文:If your native language is not English, you will need to provide...